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2023-06-02 07:47:04




"The book is the ladder of human progress." , the "book of medicine, also good reading can cure fools." , "a day without a book, Pepsi barren."

Heard these examples, you must have some like books? I don't know if you like it or not, anyway I like very much, I think after you listen to me to introduce the benefits of reading with happiness, will fall in love with a book, or not? You look down!

Keywords: knowledge

Reading, can increase knowledge, and accelerate the growth of your subjective, also can let you have your own opinion. And people who do not read is ill-informed, only listen to superior leadership and command.

During the period of 1950-1976, the Chinese people are very poor, in the "sacred" MAO zedong's "proletarian" under "the poor the revolution" misleading; Under the "guidance" of "the gang of four", let the Chinese getting poorer and poorer. Let could have a good reading materials; Can be pillars just when the people, has become an ordinary person in the ordinary world, how many genius, submerged in the vast human sea.

And what are the reasons? Because political darkness - think, officials of corruption, and thought as long as it is said the leadership of the, we will be right, do it right, and what is the cause of all this? - people don't read, knowledge is not knowledge, more does not have its own independent, so knowledge is very important.








Reading has many benefits, but I used to hate reading, the book is a very boring thing for me, I have no interest in reading. Now I don't think so, because I found the benefits of reading, the interest in the book.

"Daughter, your homework don't play, will go to see a document, you see you for so long a composition in the outside, can take a look at your composition a little progress all have no, don't go to the will make document!" My mother said to me. "See, my good mother!" Said I am not happy, wish: my mother always told me to read a book, good bother! Watching TV is better. My blue return to room, picked up a book to do like let mother believe.

In the near future, had a quiz in the class. Curly hair down at the time, I was dumbfounded. Thought: finished, I never wrote this composition, how to do?

Paper hair down after a few days, I see, thought: why? Composition of 10 points? If that listen to mother's words, a good reading won't cut it so badly? I saw the score a remorseful.

Since this time, every night I listen to mother's words: "read the book for a while before sleep." Read the books to sleep, now have become my habit. Now I'm flying in the sixth grade, I had the obvious enhancement of composition.

Recently, our Chinese teacher to let's prose, often write a composition, all these past few weeks to write several composition. And the level of each composition, see the book to my benefit; Each essay reviews, see the benefits of the book to me.

Wrote that "the chorus contest" thought: oh, right. I recently read a similar article, can echo! So I started to write up happy. Less than an hour a composition will be released, I according to our Chinese teacher said, after finish to read their own found their own problems. I have read it again according to the teacher said, oneself feels better than original writing, statements need to be more smooth, not read not understand the problem.

Come to school the next day, I am confident homework delivered composition in the home.

A few days later, the composition of hair down, I see, wish: yeah! Is best! There are a lot of the waves of the line! Well the book to help me, it seems going to read more books after class. Be sure to keep it up!

Mixed, laugh tears, flower fruit, that is interest, and carefully, this is the benefits of reading gives me.














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