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2023-06-02 07:54:05




The story is about a family's rise and fall, the size of a family story. Hero as jia baoyu, he should say that was a man the soft belt just slightly, he has partly because of the soft environment, up and down their house are almost all women, is also in charge of the family are all women, naturally should be a words "who lies near the ink black". A woman entered the palace because of their family home when the emperor bestowed favor and remove, every day so they might make merry, and among them two woman must lift, it is the jinzan xue baochai and Lin daiyu. Lin daiyu is suspicion, sentimental, but jia baoyu just like her, her body is weak, ancestor despises her and then lie to jia baoyu and xue baochai is marry, Lin daiyu in grieve, when jia baoyu unravel xi he found not Lin daiyu, and Lin daiyu, grieving, suit to the monk.

Right and wrong here is the "cut ceaseless, manage is random", let a person see the ancient marriage, they tend to deal with all parents, stomach is marriage, what is more ridiculous is that they never met sometimes muddleheaded ground of their marriage. And old woman scrambled to the palace, because it can make the family wealth, but the emperor have thousands of concubines, popular at that time, it didn't take long to blow over again, they bother the palace? Emperor basking their drinking, food, and the common people is had on there under, life is hard to imagine, also no wonder had again and again to the uprising "rebellion", scourge of flange is the emperor ah. The chilling and anger in and out of the tragedy, let a person I hate the exaction of the old, they pushed the people step by step toward the edge of a pit of fire, so people are anathema.

"A dream of red mansions" let me sometimes happy and sometimes sad, sometimes angry sometimes emotional thoughts, also let me think a lot, maybe, everything is not perfect, and so does man.







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