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2023-06-02 07:55:01




"A dream of red mansions" is a China in the late feudal society's encyclopedia. Novel describes four big families of the upper social centered pictures, real and vividly the late eighteenth century China feudal society's entire life, is a mirror of the history of life and the microcosm, is China's ancient feudal society has irreversibly collapse. Write each character alive, begin with the nuwa myths to elicit a story -- the stone. Have to zhen (true) hermit for clues to begin or end the whole story.

In the far ocean the other shore another country - Britain. She gave birth to a great and outstanding, talented, playwright, he is a Shakespeare. He used his life experience of carry forward its own unique a form of art, drama. At that time, a nation, his immortal soul, in various forms, enrich themselves. Just like Shakespeare and the delicate relationship drama, cao xueqin and its a dream of red mansions, is part of our Chinese nation immortal soul. Rather than he is asynchronous great book, it is a general history of China. Rather than it is to write a noble life, at that time the situation is. From a little details, the charm of the language, with the vivid language created many characters. From the character's every move, smile,. Storing and releasing kinetic energy A spark all reveal the characteristics of the characters, it's safe to say that language narration can not find out a flaw. And from which you can see the development of a nation, and the sticking point of concrete, concrete the livelihood of the people of the meter, which is associated with this. It's not just a literary works, it is a history.

Say is the first eighty back to front, and then forty back I think exactly the opposite. From many flaw, such as jia baoyu in eighty back to the time before already implies that it is a tragic character, and to high hubei's it became a willing to learn and to take an examination and a earning juren, from a child to a studious person, almost no cohesion among this, it is inconceivable. And at the end and leave is pregnant the treasure chai become a monk. And it is said that high hubei because a funding, take written of the red chamber, I think a purpose is not so clean and pure person, and no understanding that written by cao xueqin's dream of red mansions. Cannot be written. Besides, imagine as it is very hard to depict characters of cao xueqin, is not easy to achieve. I see is inferior to leave the forty don't write back, give a person to daydream space, very good.

Warnings: humble room empty hall, the wat full bed; CuiCao withered Yang, for singing and dancing; Silk covered with carved beams, and the green yarn on PengChuang again today. Say what fat is thick, powder is sweet, how to temples and cream? P redictors yesterday (head bones, tonight red bottom gauze account lie mandarin duck. Gold box, silver box, suddenly a beggar who is evil; Is sigh he lives is not long, the know his return? Hardwood training well, Paul indefinite future. Choose the rich men's, who ChengWang was stranded in the! Because of too small shamao that lock cangue carry; Flow broken coat cold yesterday, today too long purple python: I ____ you, township to recognize it is my hometown; Very silly, in the end are JiaYiChang for others.








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