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2023-06-02 07:58:01




The ship to sail, to roar on the sea; People need to be confident, before in life vicissitudes of life. Thousands of years, the dead, the same everlasting, is the truth that confidence.

Why only talent evolved into senior animals? Because apes believe themselves to be one. Therefore, "it" confidently evolved into "he".

The vast grassland you cui, vastly. Overburden rock, can drag river, but it is not confident. The towering mountains, the peak of despair, a confident old man led the children in digging - he is confident he can dig mountain. Then, high above the mountain god afraid, removed the mountains. From then on, flat.

Confidence, the two short words, the two extremes: did, is short of success; Can't do that, is short of failure. The gap between the two extremes, in fact just two words.

Xiang yu confidence, he was confident he would suddenly and violently qin instead. Major deer nine times a bloody battle: fifty thousand confident ChuJun no confidence of qin in four hundred thousand. There is no doubt that: there is no suspense, and expensive, not expensive. After one thousand, have a couplet: 102 qin guan will all be clear.

And liu is also confident. He confidently in hong door. After that, he appeared confident in Peng Cheng, followed by note, then, is the chang 'an and emperor. Instead, xiang yu is becoming more and more not confident: fan ceng leave, let him lose confidence pillar; Concubine suicide, let he lost confidence. Then, on the Banks of wujiang river opened a blood flower. "A decisive shan xi" has become a song.

"Skip over the waves will sometimes, straight to the sea in full hanging" spray the clouds, is a piece of and white; Surging wave of folding, but also with a confidence of the eternal!

"Jin Lin is an, in a situation of dragon" the classmates, even the carp in the water all unwilling mediocre, confident they can into a whirlwind of the dragon, and the us?

Hang the self-confidence of sailing fast, while the wind, to move toward the horizon of the gorgeous!













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