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2023-06-03 05:50:06




I like the program"Animal World" . First of all, I like animals, especially small animals. Secondly, the host is able to make the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, through this program I know a lot of things that I haven't known before. I gain some knowledge about animal life, such as, different lives of various kinds of animals, the relationship between people and nature, people and animal, and the importance of animal protection.

I want to say that animals are part of nature as we are. They can not be separated from the humans. We must keep nature in balance. Please give your love to animals. Stop killing them.





One night, I very boring, so with the remote control turntable, all of a sudden, there are four big word greets me: scientific approach. I thought to myself, just look at the work! I you look closely. Approached Zhang Tengyue uncle would be the host of science. He slightly fat, with a pair of glasses, a see be a knowledgeable person, but his mouth, articulate, omnipotent.

This time into the science said - "incense resin mystery", mainly speak from DangShan dug a wet resin. From ancient times to today the body not only preserved intact, and still send out the fragrance, people doubt that she is the legendary princess. But facts have proved that this is impossible, because there is no history that a person, because of outdated technology of people at that time, did not even stay, a picture at a time when people steal jewelry there, but according to the figure, etc., can also be calculated when to die! A bandit lay thinking is why the neck of wet resin has a T glyph wound? After scientists studying carefully. Turned out to be greedy people, wanted to see if there was a valuable treasure, so didn't go to cut the throat of wet resin. Solve in the process of the clouds, for a while make people afraid, creepy, make the person racking their brains for a while. When the mystery of the truth emerged, nature is happy in my heart, I kind of admiration arises spontaneously to scientists. Is amazing!

Whenever I see scientists, serious investigation, a seed germination in my heart. I must study hard, careful, good at analysis. Believe in yourself, will be able to be a scientist, win honor for our country!







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