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2023-06-03 06:27:02


导语:不要因为不能使别人成为你希望的那样而生气,因为你也不能使你自己成为你希望的模范。 下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文。希望对大家有所帮,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


a little ant was born in a quite small cave. it grew up without meeting any danger,because his mother had always keep him inside the cave.unluckily ,one day,his mother died while looking for food for him.he was hungry to death.after careful consideration,he decided to go out for the hope of fulfil his stomach.again he was unlucky,for a spider found him and captured him.our little ant thought it was the last day of his life,but the spider said he wanted to play a game with him.if the ant could win,he could be set free. so the ant played chess with the spider.the rules are fair because the spider was quite kind. at last ,the ant won.so he returned to home safe and sound!

Thank you!




Computers play an important role in the modern world. Today they are used in many areas of human activities, such as business, industry, science and education. I'm a primary school student. I always search for information on my PC, make PPT or type article with word software and sometimes listen to music, play games on the computer in the weekends. Sometimes I write e-mails to my friends on the computer, too. I often chat with people on-line. I usually do my homework on the computer, too, it's very easy.

I also enjoying watching cartoons on-line, because I can find my favorite cartoons easily, when I watching TV, I should wait the advertisement and watch the cartoons on time. But in computer, I can watch my favorite cartoons any time, and needn't wait for advertisements.I seldom buy things on the computer, because I don't know it. I sometimes go to the forums on the weekends, there are many people, and it's very interesting.

How about you, my friend?







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