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2023-06-04 02:36:06




Our English teacher, is a tall. Figure is not bad, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes one would under the nose. However, but "lying" glasses on his nose. Our English teacher's being handsome don't ha, you guess? I say, he looks very handsome. I'll take full marks. If play brownie points. Not just appearance, or his personality, advantages and disadvantages. They reflect the English teacher's lovely!

English teacher's humor in the classroom. In class, English teacher always let the students like eating the medicine laugh, laugh over the day. The deepest impression is the last few weeks, the teacher let's answer the question. Have a classmate to answer wrong, the teacher took him to the front, please, forcing him to do the "s" shape, but the students make gestures. At this moment, the teacher again, he looked up to hold out a bosom become warped ass... The results... Too funny, the classmates all laughing so hard that your tummy hurts.. Fortunately, I have not been please, or embarrassing is dead!

The teacher's weakness is too lazy, oh, plus a narcissistic. He always says: I am very handsome! But he said also is good, have so a little handsome. He is. Then led to his narcissism cough up!

English teacher's English is very good, very smooth. Like a magnet, deeply attracted by you. In fact, when the teacher smile is very good-looking, very handsome.

See, the above are exclusive English teacher. Hey.. I must watch carefully next time English teacher, look at him and what are the advantages and disadvantages.







"Lin meimei", "genius", "gold medal", "full marks" to choose a suitable text book is classmate, is a friend, is a partner, who will be in the classroom and we joke about it? Humorous and funny teacher zhang - he can always boring English letters to be funny, always make simple praise with a somewhat humorous color, always can let the class learned knowledge in the relaxed and humorous atmosphere!

Teacher zhang very easy-going face comedy with two thick eyebrows, big eyes full of wisdom is very learned, standing behind the lens tall appear zhang teacher is very handsome.

Teacher zhang character cheerful, like funny language to teach us, sometimes a word can be made everyone laugh good half-day. Zhang old in order to make us confident to learn English well, always take us with him three years ago to teach the class than bad classmates, showed us that "stupid pig" wrote letters, dear! Not lack the arm little leg is stagger, I really don't know that write or letters "stupid pig"? Teacher zhang virtually encourages us.

An English class, teacher zhang check our homework, I raised the desperately to book high teacher zhang see my homework first. Teacher zhang first approached me indeed, and picked up my homework, I first saw the teacher zhang no expression on her face, my heart so anxious in drums, I don't know my homework is good or bad. Then, teacher zhang's face and reveal the expression of surprise: "alas! Originally also a sister Lin hiding here! You wrote letters are so nice!" I suddenly up from his seat and grabbed my hand and tried to jilt ah, I'm be left dizzy, teacher zhang still hard exaggerated swinging my arm. Jilt I stagger, I am flattered!

I like English lessons! Because I prefer teacher zhang!









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