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2023-06-04 02:42:04




Although Christmas is a Western holiday, but now there are many Chinese people love it, perhaps because in the day we can get many gifts, or perhaps because it isInteresting, but I love it, and more than that, but also because we are teachers and students together, happy, except that the "red, green and white" between teachers and students outside of deep love. Hope the stars, get the moon, and finally looked forward happy Christmas. On that day, I arrived gate, suddenly, I was shocked, and saw a Santa Claus holding a saxophone, where side-hop edge blowing, extremely beautiful and it is filled with gifts and lawn around the time I really 好想well want to touch it, the way it should be a gift ah! "Hey! A pity! It is simply impossible. Immediately, I saw two or three from Santa Claus face, hands, also took a number of things, but unfortunately do not see what is inside. Powerful sense of curiosity that I can not help to pour into the crowd, along for the ride. "So is the candy ah!" Although I rarely eat candy, but not today, I would have to carry on eating one meal, even if I lost half of the teeth. When I walked into the classroom, that's even more shocked, Christmas tree and dancing Santa Claus...... Even though I was stunned. Christmas party started, a loud crash, ribbon slowly falling, the students expressed a few years with the singing teacher's love, expressed after the students and teachers in their own ways of expressing their love for the children, This is love in the teacher's speech in the saturatedThe students were all deeply moved, tears. This deep sense of love wafts through the entire classroom teachers and students,Preserved intact in every human heart, Christmas party is over, but that any other person,Any material can replace the teacher-student love will always wafts through the entire classroom, warm heart. That happy and full of love Christmas, I will always remember the bottom of my heart, never, never ......、



There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.

As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too.

But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man's soul.







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