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2023-06-04 04:18:09




december 25th is the day of celebration and of fun and frolic. as the long awaited winter holidays arrive, christmas spirit builds up. the lovely snowflakes, our dear santa, decorated homes complete with whole range of christmas star, mistletoe, the good-luck plant, ivy, laurels and not the least the beautifully decorated and illuminated christmas tree are some of the inseparable parts of the picture. the soft music of the christmas carols and children eager to open their gifts certainly lend unique warmth to the coldest day of the year. the birth of christ is perhaps the most popular festival around the world. the dark night sky, the chilly winters all just provide the perfect backdrop for the reigning red and green colors that cheer up the entire scenery. people visit their families and arrange some of the most lavish parties. the most awaited festival, the christmas signifies love and kindness, joy and happiness. the holiday spirit of the season in one word is - infectious!

12 月 25 日是庆祝的节日和乐趣和嬉戏。期待已久的寒假的到来,圣诞节的 精神建造。这个可爱的雪花,我们亲爱的圣诞装饰房屋完成整个范围的圣诞星、 槲寄生植物,好运,艾薇,荣誉而不是最精美的装饰圣诞树,并有一些不可分割的 部分图片。柔和的音乐的圣诞颂歌和孩子们想打开礼物的独特的确借温暖溶化 的一天。 基督的诞生也许是最受欢迎的节日环游世界。黑暗的夜空,寒冷的冬天都提 供了完美的背景为执政红白绿三色,振作起来整个风景。人们参观他们的家庭和 安排一些最奢华的政党。最期待的节日,圣诞节意味着爱和仁慈、欢乐和幸福。 这个节日的精神在这个赛季是一个字——传染性!


A western foreigner festival, Christmas, bring to China, even some of China's baby know, will have a Christmas tree, Christmas tree candy will pick up gold. Therefore, "Christmas trees" drew a child like.

But my Christmas tree is not a natural growth seem easy; My golden candy is not Santa Claus purposely went up with fruit. My Christmas tree from school spend five cents to buy a toy tree, its colorful "fruit", is infiltrating in water for a few hours, but it bears, like the snowflake, colorful crystal.

That day, I can not hold up against the temptation of "Christmas tree", finally in the grocery store to buy a tree. This "tree" is very strange, it is packed in boxes of: there is a "trunk", there are a couple of "branches", a tray, coupled with a pack of "fertilizer". Buy after you come back, have to "install" to the tray, then put the branches on the trunk, add water, application of fertilizer, the best in the sun. Less than half day, the tree on the colourful "flower". A look carefully, every flower like ice, like snowflakes. Open "flower" is not much, little, bud wintersweet size; But in a few hours later, the "flower" drive too can flourish, from branches have been open to the treetop, the "flower" also big, distance, like a blooming plum, fantastic!

I carefully care for it for three days. By the fourth days, see dried up the water of the tray,

The "flower" also on the tree began to fade. In spite of this, the "tree" as my after school life or add to the fun. By Christmas day, I have to buy a tree, add a beautiful scene for Christmas!









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