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2023-06-04 04:55:02




From the previous "yen" gradually with the development of The Times gradually evolved into "people in food more and more odd variety of food on our table, let everybody forget about food's original meaning.

At the feast, the family often to visit a lot of people, up traditional dishes served up, old people's eyes are full of smile and satisfaction, and the child is beside the mouth with chopsticks muttered: "how is the food."

Remember that day, when served the food on the table, her cousin began to complain: "tired of the food ate so many years early, we go out to eat KFC, McDonald's." Table was drumming knock to ring, grandma and grandpa some angry, brow displays a vicissitudes of life eyes stared at the several courses, eyes drifting far away: "the children ah, you now just thinking of all day to eat good, in fact, some have been very good to eat, think that year again we would eat meat are not always have!"

Sat on a side of the adults are also beginning to argue that: "mom and dad, now is the 21st century, old-fashioned things don't always say to the children, the children, always want to eat some good, human nature. The past is the past don't want to."

Grandparents listened to, look a bit awkward and disappointed, helplessly shook to shake, "said is right, but.." "Good good, don't say that." Words haven't say that finish is interrupted, they sighed deeply.

Finished eat, left a lot of leftovers on the table, looking at these dishes, grandma and grandpa want to say something but did not say anything or hesitant, quietly sitting next to her at the same time I seemed to hear the sighs.

Sitting next to me listen to you pour out, think of the articles in the book to see, which have better life now, those who are affected by war of aggression, they are not the same as grandpa's grandmother that generation. Many people do not have enough to eat lunch because of the war, they don't have the heart to want to eat good, because they are somewhat extravagant eat. Although we are now living standards have improved, but also can't think of oneself everywhere, maybe save a little food to save a little water, those people won't show so poor.









In the annual Mid-Autumn festival. In the evening, my mom and dad happily to grandma's home for dinner.

Comes in at the door, my grandmother would gladly hello I: "aa, come and taste the grandfather had just bought fresh meat cakes!" A listen to these words, my heart suddenly cool, muttered aloud: "I don't eat the moon cake, is really sick!" Aside the father embarrassed shook his head: "you are so happy, some people eat pretty good!" Grandmother also very sigh with emotion: "when I was young, I have to eat less than the moon cake, crying too!"

Originally, my grandmother when I was a child shopping not only costs money, but also by, buy rice with food stamps, meat faster... At the feast, more want to get up early, before dawn to arrive at the town line, have to wait at least four or five hours to get quantitative food. Now that I think about it, is really hard!

My grandmother said she always forget the Mid-Autumn festival. That year, day of hei meng is unconscious, as the eldest brother in the home as usual, the grandmother took the basket to buy vegetables. At that time, people buy food queues is like a long dragon, the grandmother is squeezed to be out of breath. It was getting light, my grandmother thought from his pocket - a small piece of delicious moon cakes to fill our stomach. One touch pocket, she immediately dumbfounded: moon cakes are mud stick on clothes pocket. Grandma sorry: four children eat a moon cake in the home, I don't have to eat, think of was packed can't eat now. Finished buy vegetables, she walked sadly on the way home, mother saw grandma, her tears, sad to say not a word.

Listen listen, my eyes could not help but wetting. I was born in, bliss to eat at ordinary times is always choice. Now think about it, really made my grandmother's childhood life strange! Thought of here, I watched the edamame, taro, moon cake on the table, ashamed to smile, and then eat it slowly, suddenly found that was not the love eat food is so delicious.

Tell us where fortune is in a special day, although that time long gone gray, but our life is really to need our light "growth" to forever!










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