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2023-06-04 06:40:05




All the year round, nature has a different voice, but my favorite is the voice of spring. Because spring is colorful, but also a beautiful melody. In the spring, all kinds of sound mixed together, happy like a symphony.

"Shout shout shout shout", the spring breeze sister with lightsome pace is coming. She blew red peach blossom, green grass. She gently blowing willow branches, as if in stir the strings.

"Boomed, boomed," thunderbolt, brother rang his beloved drums, the drums, the frog in the LianDong also awakened, he leaned out of the little head, quack quack to sing the songs of spring.

"N oise, n oise," spring rain sister the bandwagon, too. She joyfully jumped into the bosom of the earth mother, the earth mother carefully wash and dress, the grass sprout, trees TuLu, all sorts of flowers also rushed to blossom a smiling face.

"Hua hua", thawed river, singing songs of joy, and all the way forward. The fish in the river naughty to vomit a bubble, a bubble into a string of happy note, as the river and ran to the sea.

"Ji ji ji, za zha", across the field and the swallow flew over hillside, through the woods, and came back again. They stood on the branches, singing happily, some dancing also.

"La la la la la la", the children play games in the park happily. They dance while singing, like a happy elf, to spread the message of spring.

Spring symphony is how lovely! Did you hear that?










Once upon a time, dream, haizi had dreamed life: facing the sea, and looked up to the sky breath, bent over and held the moisture of the sea. Life is so clean, it is the sky blue of the sky and the sea ocean blue, but different from each other so harmonious, with a beautiful mood.

Once upon a time, dream, dream poems of miracle, a flowering tree, stand a long time, just to stick to a persistent, just to let you meet me, just for a can and you a destiny. Repeating monotonous life, there are countless times the illusion of a beautiful encounter, let my surge of emotion surge. Looking forward to, look forward to your arrival.

Once upon a time, dream, dream dream, the sky didn't leave the trace of the bird, but the bird has flown. Stand in a corner of the sky in the clouds, the sun for her clothed with splendour. A beautiful mood and a beautiful dream, the beautiful soul, blossom in the distance between fish and bird, breeze brought up the layers of ripples, played a beautiful glorious chapter.

Always like the indulgence of the instantaneous thought, the moments, I will see railing build by laying bricks or stones jade, still stands, in an instant, I can understand the peach blossom pool, still tender. Clouds scud across, the flower bloom and fade like the surface reflection. Gently, the wind will be chopped scenery. In yamadera, enchanting standing in the drizzle; Osmanthus fell when ringing to wake up all the air in the sleeping...

Time, walking slowly.

Always remember all of memories, always like in the afternoon, a wisp of fragrance smell a few meters, let me drunk. Dry up the river, still swamp ferocious, still have fish and still think of a bunch of light spirit breathing...










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