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2023-06-05 03:12:05




At nine o 'clock in the morning, the train arrived in Beijing. , people with the organizing committee received after the outbound we arrived at the starlight journalists from Asia hotel, after a few days I want to live here, piano competitions are held here. Completed reporting procedures, it's time to eat lunch, I found my classmate Zhao Qianqiao, she also to participate in the piano competition.

In the afternoon, we went to tiananmen square. Out of the subway station, walk a few steps, the majestic tiananmen gate will appear in the eyes, we cried, smiled and rushed to the tiananmen square, the red walls and golden roof, in the middle of the tower, hanging from the head of the great leader MAO zedong, the left side of the gate that read "long live the People's Republic of China!" The right reads "long live the unity among the people of the world!" . Having visited tiananmen, we went to the Palace Museum.

Move down inside, down the tiananmen came to the Palace Museum. Beijing's Palace Museum has lived twenty-four emperors of Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace, is our country so far, the largest and most complete ancient palace complex. Before and after the palace is divided into two parts, the front in taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace as the main body, the mandarin house, hall of martial valor for the two wings, mainly for the emperor held a grand ceremony, commonly known as "the outer court". Back including dry, tai qing temple, palace of earthly tranquility, imperial garden and things natural, is the emperor to deal with daily affairs, and he and empresses who lived.

The gate of the palace tall, magnificent buildings, were filled with tall stone lions and carved dragon and phoenix, shows the majesty of the emperor in ancient and honourable everywhere. Just in the Forbidden City special cold, cold wind blowing my hands were shaking. Just call the teacher want us to go back to attend rehearsals of the organizing committee, we will rush to catch back.






You see, we went to the grand palace, the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties; The imperial palace is one of the world's largest and most complete ancient wooden buildings, as the largest ancient building group of our country. It makes building the Ming yongle (AD 1406), 14 years to complete, there are 24 emperors in this reign. "Ok, we are now ready to go to temple, visitors, please friends keep up with the team, don't be left behind, or got lost and could not find us!" Ok, now follow me into the hall, there are three main halls of the imperial palace: taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace. Temple built in white marble stylobate on build by laying bricks or stones into 8 meters high, looking like a myth of Joan GongXian que. The hall of supreme harmony is the most gorgeous architecture, commonly known as "during", is the place where the emperor held a ceremony, the temple of 28 meters high, 63 meters, northwest of 35 meters, big column with diameter of 1 meter 92, including six root around the throne Pan Longzhu drain powder gold lacquer. Before the throne in inside is 2 meters high on the stage, a modelling, beautiful cranes, furnace, tripod, work behind the folding screen. The whole hall decorated splendid and solemn gorgeous. Zhonghe palace is take a break and exercise before the emperor went to the hall of supreme harmony held a ceremony etiquette, Baohe Palace is outside the emperor gave New Year's eve feast every year pan Kings. Tourists friends to have a rest first, under the watch of the three main halls, can touch, wait us to delay, to dry, qing tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility as the center, what wings have sixth east and west sixth, is the emperor on weekdays and concubines lived. "Well, the activity of today and is now over! I wish you all have fun"





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