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2023-06-05 03:15:02




Beijing is a city within a city, this is the world-famous Forbidden City where people now call it the Palace Museum. The palace 24 emperors lived, Ming and qing dynasties emperors lived, there are more than five hundred years history.

After a few hours, we finally arrived at the palace. Looked up, and the walls around the palace closely, to the elegant palace on the chic. We first came to the palace gate - end door. Heard of the qing dynasty, emperor wenwu minister to hold the throne, will be in the side door, arranging their robes, and then to have an audience with the emperor. So I naturally adjusted her clothes and hat.

A high wall appeared in front of us, I looked up and look up to, this is about more than 20 meters high wall, shing mun on two big word "meridian gate". It is said that this is people used to pull the prisoners out of the meridian gate beheaded refers to the door, I looked at the meridian gate two words in the mind a little hair.

And we came to the first house of the three main halls of the imperial palace: the hall of supreme harmony, this is when the emperor meet wenwu minister temple.

The Forbidden City the second house is: Baohe Palace, this is the place where the emperor personally supervise, who can ride from here in the first fiber to tour Beijing changan avenue.







Today, we came to the Palace Museum.

We first in the square, square very big! There were five delicate white marble Bridges in the square. Under the bridge there is a the golden stream, shaped like a jade belt, great.

Stand in the square, looked up, and a resplendent and magnificent palace stands in the front, yellow glazed tiles shine. This is the hall of supreme harmony. To look inside the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of supreme harmony within the golden throne, is located in is sumeru Buddha nanmu platform, around the throne is six drain powder panlong hypostyle column, majestic.

A visit to the hall of supreme harmony, we came to the qing dynasty palace. Dry qing in the Ming dynasty and early qing dynasty is the emperor's bedroom. The emperor in dry processing qing government affairs, summoned the minister, received foreign envoys and the imperial palace, and held a family dinner.

Then we went into the imperial garden, the garden there is a pavilion. Lush trees against the red walls and golden glazed tile, look! Next to the pavilion is a mountain, the mountain is a stone rockery, everywhere is green trees and beautiful.

Then, we also visited the zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace and other places, and finally, arrived at the main gate of the Forbidden City. Out of the front door, I looked back again with the old palace, silently wishes: wish the motherland prosperous and strong, more than one generation.










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