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2023-06-05 05:00:05




The puppy wangwang is very picky about food, always not to eat, so don't eat, only eat snacks. Even he's staple food - we don't eat meat bones. He is short and thin, others give him a nickname, called "short thin dog"

One afternoon, it's time to eat lunch. Mother repeatedly urged, puppy wangwang, reluctantly went to the dining table, a chair, a woebegone appearance, mouth also become warped up. The desk is his favorite meat bones, but he have no appetite at all. Want want want to go out to play, then turned and walked out, the mother hurriedly marched back to the past, but want want cried: "I don't eat, I am not hungry..." Mother said: "don't have a meal, will be sick, and the other people all call you 'short thin dog!" Mother want want want to get caught, had long ago ran to want want.

Want want to go outside, suddenly saw a gray Wolf want want, tenacious, want want to see is the Wolf catches up, he had his eureka moment, jump to the grass, along the grass ran home,

One morning, wangwang, limb weakness, dizziness, even rickety to walk, mother hurriedly called 120, send want want to go to the hospital, the dog doctor check said to him: "caused by dizziness is picky about food, picky eaters will malnutrition, you don't have a meal, also can be life threatening, home after you take medicine on time will be good. Want want hastily nodded."

Want want according to the dog the doctor's commanded to do, from then on, he never had dizziness, strong body.







It was a sunny day, the chicken out foraging, met the dog on the road.

Chicks like the dog say "hello", "puppy, come out for food?" The dog saw the chickens, said: "oh, and you?" The chicken said: "me too!" The puppy say: "what are you looking for?" The chicken said: "rice is my favorite? Do you see?" The puppy say: "saw it, I have eaten a bite, it is too difficult to eat, how can you eat that stuff? It without my bones delicious at all." The chicken was angry: "you think I haven't eaten the bones, I pecked and make my mouth all pecking flat! Your bones just isn't good for you!" In this way, the chicken quarrelled with the puppy.

At this point, the workhorse walked to come over, see dogs and chickens noisy over, ask: "alas! Hello! What's wrong! The children, have what good noisy?" Chickens and the dog heard tell workhorse why uncle, workhorse, said: "this have what good noisy? Each animal has their own favorite food, just like the chicken do you like to eat rice, puppy do you like to eat bones, and I? Like to eat grass, you why force each other?"

Chicken and dog listen to the workhorse of uncle, feel the truth, just a apology to each other, and good.

Later, saw the puppy love to eat chicken bones, hurried and tell the dog. Love to eat dog saw the chicken rice, he told the chicken.

They became inseparable friends!










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