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2023-06-06 04:50:03



Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a senior of ___ department at ___University.(第一句,写给熟人的话可以省略) I am writing to express my interest/sorry/concern/request ofinquiry/apology/application/recommendation. To begin with,_______. Secondly, ____. Last but not the least,______.

Thank you for considering my inquiry/application/recommendation and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

图表 消极 (吸烟比率, 失业率, 奢侈品消费等)

With the rapid advance in the standard of living of Chinese people in recent years,(题目主旨)___ has a significant change. What is shown in the table/bar chart above indicates that dramatic changes have take place in (主旨或其紧密相关的内容)年to 年.

According to the figures given, there was an obvious growth in 年年, climbing nearly to(从图表找出) 百分数/数字. Meanwhile, ___has declined by 百分数 from 年to 年. The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to one another.

The matter of (主旨及它导致的问题)___has become increasingly widespread in spite of the fact that most people are still unaware of the problems it brings about. Primarily, if we mishandle this problem, it will break the harmony of our socialist society. Furthermore, (主旨可能导致的问题,请列举)____would also produce factors leading to social instability.

As mentioned above, I think that the threatens of (主旨,否定态度)__ do more harm than good. And it’s imperative for us to take drastic measures. One measure is to enhance people’s awareness with respect to the problem of (面对群众,有一定普遍性)___. But, more importantly, man must take practical actions to prevent the

misguided action from happening. If we could make every effort to settle this matter, I believe that a happy and bright future is awaiting us.

图表 消极型 翻译

最近几年中国人的生活水平飞速提高,(题目主旨)___有了一个重大的改变. 以上图表表明,从___年到___年,(主旨或其紧密相关的内容)___发生了巨大改变。根据所给数据可知,__年到__年有明显的增长,达到了(从图表找出)百分数/数字。然而__年到__年下降了百分数/数字。这些数据的升降看起来似乎是孤立的,但其实它们紧密相连。



图表 积极(旅游支出,消费支出,就业率等)

With the rapid advance in the standard of living conditions of Chinese people in recent years, (题目主旨)___ has a significant change. According to the figures given, there was an obvious growth in the number of ___between 年and年, climbing nearly to 数字.Meanwhile, ___has declined by 百分数from__年to__年. The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to one another.

There are two factors accounting for these changes. Development in economy is an essential one in these days. The increased income resulting from economic growth plays an important part inThe other major factor is(示例) hesitate to make changes.

As mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion that ____have been constantly improved between__年and__年. With the further growth in economy and more changes in life style, the tendency indicated in the table will continue in the better direction.

图表 积极型 翻译

最近几年中国人的生活水平飞速提高,(题目主旨)___有了一个重大的改变.根据所给数据可知,___年到___年有明显的增长,达到了百分数/数字。然而___年到___年下降了 百分数/数字。这些数据的升降看起来似乎是孤立的,但其实它们紧密相连。 近几年,随着中国人民生活水平的快速提升,(主旨及它导致的)____发生了明显的改变。对于这些改变,可归结于两个原因。当今经济发展是其中一个原因。经济的发展引起的.收入增加对 有很重要的作用。因此,只需要收入的一小部分就足以支付(根据主旨填写) 食品/旅游 的消费。另一个主要原因是(示例,根据主旨填写) 中国有许多吸引游客的旅游景点/食物/政府的鼓励政策,受到政府鼓励并有吸引人眼球的 食物/景色。人们会毫不犹豫地做出改变。



thought-provoking 令人深思

diligent and thrifty 勤俭节约

economic globalization 经济全球化

quality-oriented education 素质教育

general mood of society社会风气

culture propaganda文化宣传

spiritual civilization 精神文明

material civilization 物质文明

practice economy, combat waste厉行节俭反对浪费




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