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2023-06-07 04:48:03



1 As a popular saying goes :"don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today."俗话说:今日事今日毕。

2 Nothing is difficult in the world for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

3 With the rapid development of economy,people's living standard has improved a lot .随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平有了很大的提高。

4 Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years.在过去的几年里我的家乡发生了很大的变化。

5 The problem of children's safety has caused wide public concern.孩子们的安全问题引起社会的广泛关注。

6 A hot topic discussed today is whether we can clone human being.今天讨论的热门话题是我们是否可以克隆人类。

7 Opinions on the phenomenon vary from person to person.不同的人有不同的观点。

8 Some people believe that it does great harm to health.一些人认为它对健康有害。

9 While others hold the opposite view that it does good to people's health.然而其他一些人持有一些相反的观点,认为它对健康有好处。

10 I am for the latter opinion for the following reasons.我支持后者观点有如下理由。

11 From my point of view,the reasons for it can be listed as follows.我认为原因可以列举如下。

12 一二原则 On the one hand , on the other hand. 或者 for one thing, for another thing . 一二三原则 First and foremost, furthermore, last but not least. 一二三四原则 First of all , in the second place, moreover, last but not least.

13 In conclusion,only in this way can we have a good command of English.总之,只有通过这个方法我们才能学好英语。

14 To sum up,we can draw a conclusion from the above that only in this way can we build up a harmonious society.总之,我们可以从上面得出一个结论,只有通过这个方法我们才能建立一个和谐社会。

15 Dictionary is of great important to English learners.字典对英语学习者很重要。

16 Some effective measures must be taken to handle this problem.必须采取一些有效措施解决这个问题。

17 I'm looking forward to receiving your early reply.我希望快点收到你的答复。

18 I will appreciate it if you can possibly consider my application.如果你能考虑我的申请的话,我将十分感激。

19 We cannot deny the fact that education is vital to us.我们不能否认教育对我们至关重要。

20 It goes without saying that health.毋庸置疑重要的是健康。 21 Lost in thought, Tom didn't take notice of me.陷入沉思中,Tom没有注意到我。

22 As is shown in the picture ,the population has been on a rise.如图所示,人口再增加。

23 This room is three times as big as that one.或者this room is twice bigger than that one或者this room is three times the sizes of that one.这个房间是那个房间的三倍。

24 The government should spare no effort to beautify our envionment.政府应该不遗余力的保护我们的环境。

25 This sight reminds me of something in my daily life.这个场景让我想起了生活的很多事情。

26 No sooner had Tom heard the news than he burst into tears .Tom一听到这个消息就大哭起来。

27 I'm anything but tired .我一点也不累。

28 He is nothing but a crime.他只不过是一个罪犯。

29 We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting the envionment.我们再怎么强调保护环境的重要性都不为过。

30 You may as well avoid meeting him for the time being.你最好先暂时避免见他。

31 Tom attaches great importance regular exercise.Tom非常重视日常锻炼。

32 When it comes to university life ,it is different from middle school life.当谈到大学生活的时候,和中学生活不同。 33 After seeing the picture,I was greatly shocked by the phenomenon.看到这个图片后,我被这种现象震惊啦。

34 As far as I am concerned ,it's hightime that measures should be taken to avoid phenomenon from happening again.我认为,是到该采取措施避免再发生这种现象的时候啦。

35 Dinner is on me.或者I'll treat you to dinner.我请你吃晚饭。

36 It's far from the truth.这绝不是事实。

37 Work hard and you will succeed.努力工作你就会成功。 38 Don't take it for granted.不要想当然。

39 On hearing the bad news ,Tom burst out crying.一听到这个坏消息,Tom就大哭起来。

40 It is commonly believed that nowadys,overpopulation has become a problem we have to face.当今人们普遍认为,人口过剩已经成为了我们不得不面对的问题。

41 The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life, it has brought a number of benefits, but has created some serious problems as well.因特网在我们


42 There no doubt that job-hopping has it's drawbacks as well as merits.毫无疑问跳槽有优点也有缺点。

43 As a popular saying goes,every coin has two sides.俗话:凡事有利也有弊。

44 Tom makes every effort to catch up with others.Tom努力去赶上别人。

45 People keep it in mind that study is of great importance .请牢记,学习是非常重要的`。

46 Not only can books enrich our knowledge but enlarge our views书本不仅能够丰富我们的知识,还能够扩大我们的视野。. 47 Don't get me wrong . 不要误解我。

48 You bet.当然,一定。

49 You side it.你说对了。

50 Taking all these factors into consideration,wo naturally come to the conclusion that Tom is equal to the job.把所有的因素考虑在内,我们能得出结论,Tom能胜任这个工作。

51 It is urgent that immediate action should be taken to stop the situation.最紧迫的是应该立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展。



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