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2023-06-08 07:15:11




There are many kinds of love, and they represent different meaning, love between friends, that is pure; A good man's love for the poor, that is sincere... But who love for us is the most selfless and sincere? - that is, of course, parents!!!!!!

We care about, if when someone is ill, let you to take care of her, would you be willing to? No! You certainly don't, you can cold will want to "his illness tube I what matter? I with what to take care of her?" But, when that person is you, the person who take care of you and your parents. They will think so? No, of course not. Why is this? This is love! Is the love of parents, is selfless love! It is the responsibility of the parents to you! A: so, we must keep ten times more to care and be filial to parents. His father is personhood duty, is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation, is the duty of children by law. So why are we actually at home as the little emperors, small princess? Parents read our gratefulness is also about forever, can say every step of our life is inseparable from the parents' care and church influence... And our love for parents? Are numbered, so from now on, we must be more love and more filial piety to parents, don't scatter that meaningless charming in front of parents, we should understand their parents. Don't wait for parents a few years of time to send you the small heart of filial piety!

Say so! Filial piety to parents now don't be in the future. Let's love for their parents send to ten per and reward!





I am a girl who's parents love, since I can remember, I am the apple of her parents' eye. Although my family is not as superior as other children in the family, but I can enjoy the meticulous care of parents, I think I grew up in such a happy family, feel very happy!

The seas run dry and the rocks crumble, parents' love will never change. Parents' love is a light path, we drive away the darkness, it brought us full of bright beautiful future!

Each child's growth cannot leave the parents' great, unselfish love! The parents have great and selfless love, we will only be carefree, happy growth. As we grew up, my parents will also become day by day with the passing years old, and young we still don't understand to honor them, often in their arms in pettish, play to depend on! Parents always take care of us, they provide us with the good life environment and happy family! And we, should also do their best to, return them!

From the moment we are born, grew up to the parents to raise us, penetrates the pay they give us the dribs and drabs. They give us life! Give us confidence! Give us selfless dedication! They teach us to walk, teach us to speak, teach us about all kinds of nursery rhymes, teach us to recite poems, teach us a lot of human reason. Indicate the advance course, is that they give us let's skip over the waves.








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