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2023-06-12 02:27:03



Unit 1 what‟s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

Janet: what are you doing, Jiamin?


Jiamin: I‟m making a model plane. I love making models. It‟s my hobby. 嘉明:我正在制作模型飞机。我喜欢做模型。这是我的爱好。 Xiaoling: what‟s your hobby,Janet?


Janet: I collect stamps. I have more than 500 stamps from 20 countries. 珍妮特:我收集邮票。我有20多个国家的500多张邮票。 Xiaoling: Wow ! So many stamps !


Jiamin: what‟s your hobby,Xiaoling?


Xiaoling: My hobby is keeping pets. I love animals, you know. I have 2 dogs, a cat and three birds.


Unit 2 His hobby is drawing他的爱好是画画

Mike is a great painter. His hobby is drawing cartoons. He likes drawing animals. Every day, after school, Mike takes his coloured pencils and draws a picture. Sometimes he draws his pet dog or a bird in the sky. He will draw birthday cards for his friends on their birthday.


Mike „s cousin, Amy likes drawing, too. But she doesn‟t like drawing animals. She likes drawing interesting people and beautiful places. You can see her drawings in every room in her house. When she grows up she wants to be a painter.


Unit 3 I can swim very fast我可以游泳游得很快

Xiaoling: what‟s your hobby,Mike?


Mike: Guess, I am very good at drawing.


Xiaoling: Your hobby is drawing cartoons.


Mike: That‟s right. I often draw cartoons with my cousin. She draws very well,too. What about you?

迈克:是的。我经常和我得堂妹一起画卡通。她也画得很好。你呢? Xiaoling: I can swim very fast. My hobby is swimming.


Ben: I love swimming too.Let‟s go swimming together.


Unit 4 Can you do my homework你可以做我得家庭作业吗? Mum&Dad: Happy birthday, Jiamin! Here is your present!

妈妈&爸爸: 生日快乐,嘉明!这是你的礼物!

Robbie:Hello. ,My name is Robbie the Robot. I‟m here to help you.

罗比:你好,我的名字是罗比,是机器人。我到这儿是为了帮助你。 Jiamin:A talking robot. And it can speak English! Thank you so much. 嘉明:一个会说话得机器人。它还可以说英语!谢谢你们。 Jiamin: what can you do, Robbie?


Robbie: I am good at many things.


Jiamin: Can you clean my room?


Robbie: Yes. I am good at cleaning. I clean very well. Watch!


Jiamin: Wow! Mum will be very happy. Can you sing and dance? 嘉明:哇哦!妈妈会很高兴的。你可以唱歌跳舞吗?

Robbie: of course I can. I can draw. I can count. I can write Chinese and English. And I can write very fast,too.

罗比:当然可以。我可以画画、算数、写中英文,而且写得很快。 Jiamin: Wow! You can do everything. Can you do my homework? 嘉明:哇哦!你可以做每件事。你可以做我的家庭作业吗?

Robbie: Of course I can, but I won‟t.


Unit 5 Where is Ben?本在哪里?

Xiaoling:Where is Ben, Janet? Ms White wants to talk with him. 小玲:本在哪里,珍妮特?怀特女士想找他谈谈。

Jiamin:Maybe he is at the swimming pool.Does Ben often go swimming? 嘉明:或许他在游泳池。本经常去游泳吗?

Xiaoling:Sometimes. But he never goes swimming on weekdays. 小玲:有时候。但是他从没在周末去游泳过。

Janet:Sometimes he reads books at the library.I think you can find him there.

珍妮特:有时候,他会在图书馆读书。我想你可以去那里找他。 Mike: he isn‟t here today. I often play football after school in the playground. Sometimes Ben plays football with me.


Xiaoling: OK. Let me go and look for him there.


Unit 6 At the weekend在周末

The Chen family is always very busy at the weekend. They always wake up very early and have a big breakfast. After breakfast Mrs Chen usually goes to the market with Mr Chen.Their son Jiamin always goes to the Children‟s Palace on Saturday. He usually has a swimming lesson there with his friends. After the lesson he and his fiends sometimes go out for lunch. In the afternoon Mr and Mrs Chen like to have some fun. They often go to the cinema. Sometimes they visit their friends too. Jiamin seldom goes the cinema with his parents. He likes staying at home and watching TV. But every evening, they always have dinner together and talk about their day.


Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea?你想要咖啡还是茶?

Xiaoling: what do you want to drink for lunch?


Ben: Uh...I think I will have a cup of tea with milk, thanks.


Xiaoling: And you,Janet? Do you want coffee or tea?


Janet: Well, I want something cold. I feel very hot. Can I have a large coke, please?


Xiaoling: sure.


Xiaoling: Can I please have a cup of tea with milk, a cup of coffee and a large coke?


Cashier: here you are. The coffee is¥2.50. The milk tea and the coke are ¥3 each. That will be ¥8.50,please.

收银员:给您。咖啡2.5元。奶茶和可乐每份3元。收您8.5元。 Xiaoling: Thanks very much.


Unit 8 Let’s have both 两种菜都做

Today is Xiaoling‟s birthday. Her Chinese and English friends are coming to her party. “what should we have for dinner?” she asks. “My Chinese friends like to eat rice, dumplings and noodles. But my English friends enjoy foods like bread, sandwiches, hamburgers and fish and chips.”

“You worry too much,”says Ben. “Let‟s have both. For starters we can have tomato and egg soup. We all eat soup. Then for the main course we can have fish, meat with some vegetables,potatoes and rice.

“Great idea,” says Xiaoling.” and for dessert we can have my birthday cake. I hope everyone likes chocolate cake. Let‟s start cooking!” 今天是小玲的生日。她的中国和英国朋友都来参加她的聚会。


“你担心得太多啦!”本说。“我们两种都准备吧。前菜我们可以用西红柿蛋汤。我们都喝汤。主菜我们可以做鱼、肉、蔬菜、土豆和米饭。” “好主意,”小玲说。“甜点我们可以吃生日蛋糕。我希望大家都喜欢吃巧克力蛋糕。让我们开始烹饪吧!”

Unit 9 It smells delicious它闻起来很美味

Cook: Come on,everyone. It‟ s time for lunch. I hope you‟ll enjoy it.


Jiamin: Wow! Everything looks great.


Ben: I think I‟ll try the chicken first. It smells delicious... Very hot. 本:我想先尝尝鸡肉。它闻起来很美味。。。。。。好辣。

Jiamin:Really? I don‟t like hot food. I like sweet food.


Cook: oh. Then don‟t eat the sandwiches. They are very salty. Try the dumplings. They are quite sweet.

厨师:哦,那就别吃三明治。它们很咸。试试这些饺子,它们很甜。 Janet: what do you think of the fish?


Cook: It‟s good. And healthy too.


Jiamin:There are so many things to try. I feel very hungry now. I can‟t wait.


Unit 10 Different tastes不同的口味

We all know Chinese and Western food is often very different. Chinese people like eating rice or noodles, but western people eat bread. Chinese people use chopsticks and bowls but in the west, people usually eat their meals on a plate with a knife and fork.


But do you know that people in China have different tastes,too? People from Guangzhou, for example, enjoy sweet and sour food most. They also eat plenty of delicious dimsum. In Beijing, people eat more noodles, pancakes and dumplings. They also like salty food. People from Sichuan love hot food. Some people think it‟s too hot and tastes terrible. But I love Sichuan food!


Unit 11 what’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

Xiaoling: What is the weather like today?


Peter: It is so cloudy. I think it will rain soon.


Xiaoling: Again? The weather here is always very wet in April. What is the weather like in English now?

小玲:还下?四月份的天气一直很潮湿。现在英国的天气怎么样? Peter: In England, it is usually very sunny and warm in April. And it is very dry, too. So we like to play outdoors.


Xiaoling:And what about October? How is the weather in October? 小玲:那十月份呢?十月份天气怎么样?

Peter: In October it‟s very windy and cool. We all wear hats and coats. 皮特:十月份多风而且寒冷。我们都戴着帽子,穿着外套。 Xiaoling: I hope I can visit England some day.


Unit 12 Four seasons in one day一天四季

Dear Mary,

Today was my first day in England and I learned something interesting about the weather here. It was cold in the morning. The weather report said the temperature was only 15℃, so I put on lots of clothes before I went to my new school. But when I was outside, the weather quickly changed. The clouds went away; the sky turned blue and the sun started to shine. I was so hot! Then at lunchtime I wanted to go to the playground, but the sky was black and it was raining hard. I had no umbrella. I thought, “How can I go home after school?” But when school finished at 3 p.m., there was no rain. Now it was very windy and cool. I put on my coat and walked home. So it‟s really true. In England, you can have four seasons one day.






1简单介绍一下自己和自己平时周末所做的事情。 Hello! I’ m Li Xiaoming. I’m 10.

I have big eyes . I’m tall and thin. I like English.

I often read books on the weekend. I can clean my room every day. My favourite food is ice cream. It’s sweet.

2用自己学过的句型来介绍自己最喜欢的一位老师. Ms Liu is my Chinese teacher. She is short and fat. She has long hair. She is very kind . I like Ms Liu.

3假如你是Liuxing, 给你的朋友Qingyun写封信, 介绍自己平日里的饮食习惯. Dear Qingyun,

My favourite food is ice cream. It’s sweet. I don’t like beef.I’d like some milk and noodles for breakfast.I’d like some chicken and rice for lunch. I like salad very much. What about you? Yours Liuxing


1 简单介绍一下自己和自己平时周末所做的事情。 Hello! I’ m Li Xiaoming. I’m 10.

I have big eyes . I’m tall and thin. I like English.

I often read books on the weekend. I can clean my room every day. My favourite food is ice cream. It’s sweet.

2 用自己学过的句型来介绍自己最喜欢的一位老师. Ms Liu is my Chinese teacher. She is short and fat. She has long hair. She is very kind . I like Ms Liu.

3 假如你是Liuxing, 给你的朋友Qingyun写封信, 介绍自己平日里的饮食习惯. Dear Qingyun,

My favourite food is ice cream. It’s sweet. I don’t like beef.I’d like some milk and noodles for breakfast.I’d like some chicken and rice for lunch. I like salad very much. What about you? Yours Liuxing

4. 用I can 来写一写自己会做的事情 I can swim, I can draw cartoons.

I can wash my clothes and clean the room. I can play ping-pong. I’m helpful.

5. 用There be句型介绍一下自己的`房间。 This is my room. There is a big bed in my room, There is a clock above my bed.

There is a desk and a chair beside my bed. My schoolbag is on the desk.

There are some photos on the wall.

There are two plants on the window. I like my room.

6 介绍自己的一位同学或者朋友。可以包括外貌、性格、爱好等信息.

I have a friend. His name is Liyue. He is tall and strong .He has short hair and small eyes. He is very friendly. He likes sports. His favourite food is beef.

4. 用I can 来写一写自己会做的事情 I can swim, I can draw cartoons.

I can wash my clothes and clean the room. I can play ping-pong. I’m helpful.

5. 用There be句型介绍一下自己的房间。 This is my room. There is a big bed in my room, There is a clock above my bed.

There is a desk and a chair beside my bed. My schoolbag is on the desk.

There are some photos on the wall.

There are two plants on the window. I like my room.

6 介绍自己的一位同学或者朋友。可以包括外貌、性格、爱好等信息.

I have a friend. His name is Liyue. He is tall and strong .He has short hair and small eyes. He is very friendly. He likes sports. His favourite food is beef.




Unit 1

☆Young (年轻的) ☆funny (滑稽可笑的) ☆tall (高的)

☆strong (强壮的)☆kind (和蔼的、亲切的)

☆old (年老的) ☆short (矮的) ☆thin (瘦的)

☆Mr (先生) ☆like (像、喜欢) ☆strict (严格的)

☆smart (聪明的、巧妙的) ☆active (积极的、活跃的)

☆quiet (安静的、文静的)☆very (很、非常) ☆but (但是)

principal(校长) university student(大学生)

Unit 2

☆Mondy (星期一) ☆Tuesday (星期二)☆Wednesday (星期三)

☆Thursday (星期四) ☆Friday (星期五) ☆Saturday (星期六)

☆Sunday (星期天) ☆day (天) ☆have (有、吃) ☆on (在…时候) ☆do homework (做作业) ☆watch TV (看电视) ☆read books (读书)

Moral Edication(思想品德课) Social Studies(社会课) tomorrow(明天) do house work(做家务)

Unit 3

☆eggplant (茄子) ☆fish (鱼) ☆green beans (青豆) ☆tofu (豆腐) ☆potato (土豆) ☆tomato (西红柿) ☆for (为) ☆lunch (中餐) ☆we (我们) ☆tasty (好吃的) ☆sweet (甜的) ☆sour (酸的)

☆fresh (新鲜的) ☆salty (咸的) ☆favourite (最喜欢的)

☆they are (他们是) ☆fruit (水果) ☆grape (葡萄)




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