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2023-06-13 04:44:09


导语: 痛苦最好是别人的,快乐才是自己的;麻烦将是暂时的,朋友总是永恒的;爱情是用心经营的,世界上没有什么大不了的。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网!


Back to their hometown, the in the mind can be happy, Chinese New Year customs will let me by surprise, the most common is the following four: eat the meal, see the party, the midnight fireworks and happy New Year.

In the evening, leaves his home. Before the Spring Festival gala, which is: when I am most looking forward to receive lucky money. Let red envelopes, congratulation! A big uncle, a small uncle, grandmother a... Everyone is busy out, should sit down and have a rest, so we will reunite together watching the Spring Festival gala. And chat while watching, as if words always say not over. Managed to stay until 12 o 'clock, midnight fireworks set off! "Boom!" A gun fired, the sky was covered with a riot of colour. With the first salute, and released to all different types of fireworks, each on the roof of a hung a beautiful hat. Fireworks voice was deafening, colorful fireworks dazzled me. Big aunt and I ran to the roof to watch the fireworks, I jumping excited: "the waiting to 12 points are not in vain, it was spectacular!" Midnight fireworks, it is possible that every place some customs, may be a convention in our hometown special, but all the same, I saw, when you heard that too!

This day, is the new moon, just up and heard the door a BaiNianSheng: "best wishes to you old too!" "Ah! Here come, happy New Year!" "Happy New Year!" At that time, my grandmother is busy do breakfast, my grandfather was busy greeting people. "Sit down?" "No." This conversation will always hear many times. I quickly after breakfast and small uncle they go out. Small uncle's twin daughter, violet, and purple Qian each carrying a bag, in every bag will increase a little, rejoicing them. A happy New Year, is a door to door, sometimes where a sit for a while, chat or something. And the children go to worship the sugar was carrying a bag.





Before New Year's day, just add trouble and adults. This year New Year's day, I know a lot about the Spring Festival customs.

Year morning every household has to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, as a sign of early spring. Grandpa to pick a contentment every year Spring Festival couplets. A jubilant optional part of this year is: money want want, allied is: good luck, many blessing. Horizontal batch is: lucky. It is enough to indicate the New Year of happy life.

Thirty eat dumplings at midnight, and every essential. Old people say eat dumplings. Eat dumpling contains a very rich cultural significance. Dumplings harmonics jiaozi, is the intersection of son, good luck making a fortune. Because of the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot, so it symbolizes reunion and wealth.

Annual fifth, commonly known as "break five" mean people want to reach out for outdoor activities. This morning my grandma and grandpa along the river bank, from the general terminal to xinhua terminal. Here is the ice skating rink, men and women, old and young, people dressed in colorful holiday new clothes, like to decorate on the ice in the blooming flowers. Some in the ice skating, some people are playing too. And on the ice tunnel from high to lower too, everyone really enjoy playing! Adults, children and the elderly, a singing away...








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