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2023-06-13 05:30:03



Unit 1 (写一个人)

I’m John. Mary is my good friend. She does her homework two hours a day. But she hardly watches TV. She thinks it’s bad for her health. She surfs the Internet twice a week. and reads English book everyday. She exercises three or four times a week. But she goes to the movies once a month.

I think she is a good girl. Do you think so?

二 Unit2 提建议(生病) Dear Mary,

I’m sorry to hear that you have a bad cold. I think you should stay at home. And You shouldn’t go to school. You should drink lots of water and have a good rest. And you should do some exercise to keep healthy. At the same time, I think you shouldn’t study at the moment. And you shouldn’t go out with your friends at night.

I hope you feel better soon. Best wishes to you!

Yours ,Lucy

三 Unit 3 假期计划 My vacation plan

The winter vacation is coming. I have a great plan for it . First, I’m staying at home and do my homework. Then, I’m reading some books. Next, I’m taking exercise. Finally, I’m going to the movies with my friends.

A great vacation. I can’t wait.

四 Unit4 调查报告 (怎样上学) In my school, many students go to school by bus. Most students go to school by bike. And some students go to school by subway. As for walking, many students walk to school. They think it’s good for their health. But a few students go to school by car. 五 Unit 5 拒绝邀请 Hi, Han Mei,

Thank you for your invitation to come to your birthday party. But I’m sorry I can’t come. Because my mother was ill and my little brother is too young. I have to stay at home and look after my mother and my little brother. And I have to do the housework. In the evening, I have to take the piano lessons. I’m so busy. Happy birthday to you!


Fangfang 六 Unit6 写两个人(比较级)

Tara is a beautiful girl. She has long blond hair. She has a twin sister, her name is Tina. They both have curly hair, though, Tara has shorter hair than Tina. They both like sports, Though Tara is more athletic. Tara is quieter and shyer. However, they both enjoy going shopping.

七 My changes (我的变化) Two years ago, I was a primary school student. But now I am a middle school student. I was short but now I am taller. I used to be quiet, but now I’m more outgoing. I liked playing pingpong ,but now I like playing basketball. I think it’s more interesting. In the past, I liked singing, but now I don’t like it . I like dancing.

How about you? Would you like to make friends with me?

Unit 7 How to make salad 怎样制作东西 First, cut up 5 tomatoes, 2 onions and one cucumber. Then, add half a teaspoon of salt and some red pepper. After that, put 2 teaspoon of oil and one teaspoon of vinegar into the bowl. Finally, mix them up. Unit 8 日记(休息日)

I didn’t have a fun day off last weekend.

It rained all day. In the morning, I had to stay at home and do my homework. In the afternoon, I helped my parents clean the house, then I went to see my grandparents. In the evening, I watched TV. It’s so boring.

How about you? Did you have a fun day off?

八 日记 Sunday April 24th I had a funday off last Sunday. In the morning, I went to the zoo and saw some seals, some sharks and watched a dolphin show. Then I played basketball and swam with my friends. At noon, I had lunch at KFC. I had some hamburgers, cola, fruit and some ice cream. In the afternoon, I went to xin Hua shop and do some reading. Then I bought some gifs. After that, I went to Zhongshan Park to play. In the park, I kook some photos.

I had a great time . I felt very happy. 九 Unit 9 (写一个人)过去式 William Shakespear was a great writer. He was born on April 23, 1516 in England. And he died on April 23, 1616. He loved reading and watching plays. In all his life, he wrote 37plays and more than 150 poems. Many people all over the world like him very much. 十 Unit 10 梦想

Everyone has a dream. I have a dream, too. When I grow up, I’m going to be an actor. I think it’s very interesting and exciting. I’m going to study hard and take some acting lessons. And I’m going to watch some other DVDS or movies about other famous actors and learn from them.

I’m going to work in Beijing. I think Beijing is a big and beautiful city. I hope my dream will come true one day. 十一 Unit 11 电子邮件 Dear Li Ming,

My parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow. I need your help. Could you please feed my dog? Give him some food, clean his bed and take him out for a walk. Could you please water the flowers in the garden for me? Don’t forget to feed my goldfish? See you soon!

Thanks, Lily

十二 一个人的星期天Nancy’s Sunday

Nancy is very busy on Sunday. She often gets up and make her bed at 7:40 in the morning. At 8:00 am, she sweep the floor. She does the dishes at 8:30 am. A round 8:30am, she cleans the living room. Then, about 8:30am, she takes out the trash. And at 9:00 am, she fold the clothes. In the evening, she is so tired, and she goes to bed early.

十三 Unit 12 比较三者(最高级) There are many movies theaters in Lu Zhou city. But I like Da Shijie movie theater best. It has the friendliest service. It has the most comfortable seats. And it has the best music. Also, It’s cheaper than any other movie theaters. I think it’s the best one in this city. Would you like to go to the movies with me?


































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