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2023-06-14 03:42:18




With the increase of exams, there are more and more students in senior three starting to use dishonest means in the exam. However, as is known to all, cheating is definitely prohibited in school. Then why do some students still want to do it?

For one thing, there are so many exams in senior three that they are not patient enough to finish all of them. For another thing , they don’t want to let their parents and teachers down because of their bad grades.

As a matter of fact, cheating in the exam has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, teacher can’t help you in your study in a proper way through your fake grades. Secondly, it may not be possible for you to judge yourself correctly. At last it’s unfair for those students who study hard.

Since being dishonest in the exam does harm to ourselves and others, some strong and necessary measures must be carried out. Of course, the school are supposed to make some related rules and regulations. But the most important part is that we student should try our best to finish every exam with our own effort.






Girls and boys , thank you all for listening my speech here. Today my topic is honesty.

It’s true that there are some phenomenon of dishonest existing in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake goods to customers for profit. In addition, some people use fake diploma for a good job,.

However, being dishonest is really good for them? Absolutely not. People who lie to others may lose other people’s trust and get nothing at last. Even if they can get some short-term benefits, the truth will come out finally and the cost is high.

On the contrary, having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make people trust you, which provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get.

So , in our daily life, we students also should do our best to be honest in every aspect, such as not cheating in the exam and telling the true grades to our teachers and parents. Only when all of us are honest, can we build up a harmonious society. That’s all! Thank you!









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