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2023-06-15 06:11:09


导语:冬去春来,杨柳吐绿,温暖的春风吹绿了一望无际的麦田,吹皱了静静流淌的河水.甘美的春雨,像蛛丝一样轻,想针见一样细,像线一样长, 下面是小编为大家整理的,英语作文。想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网!


How charming, beautiful spring scenery of the campus is! Heater breeze, flowers continuously, intoxicating spring makes me intoxicated, cracking heater face, lightly rolled the beauty of the campus. At that time, the earth will all things recovery, open campus flower unexpectedly, scrambling, trees grow the bud, and the grass is woven out of the large green blanket, campus full of vitality, our campus be colorful flowers dress up more beautiful.

P.E. class, we blithely running on campus, can also be without scruple xi xi ha ha laugh, I also changed the spring, we dressed in colorful clothes also add beauty to the campus, the more beautiful in spring than in the winter. Spring, sunny, is suitable for flying a kite in the grass, if tired, then lie on your back on the lawn next to the more than the "blue dream", quietly looking at the blue blue sky, the clouds, in the spirit of the white sails, constantly doing travel dreams you can contribute, the first model essay net! Our campus is more beautiful now. You see, that a few of the little girl is the lawn rehearsal just learning dance; The several little boys playing with a variety of games on the lawn; And classmates are and birds singing happily, "chun song". If I were a painter, it would be good! I draw the spring of the campus, never disappear in my eyes, more beautiful, more charming!

Campus of the moon left the beautiful fantasy tomorrow, for our Alma mater's selfless love, care, I am willing to forever in his Alma mater, because to my Alma mater added fun, happy childhood, I'll never forget the teacher forever and ever to our care and love, I love you, his Alma mater.





Looking forward to arrive, hope to, finally look forward to. Voice over the mountains, across the river, across the field, all the way to our campus. Campus very busy, all kinds of flowers open phase: a far look like a brilliant sunrise peach blossom, the red like clouds torch, pink like only white butterfly dancing, like clouds of white cotton, against the background of green leaves, colorful, beautiful. Primrose yellow pieces of broken down like a fairy gold. Some full, some out of the golden flower, some just launched LiangSanPian petals, harm sheepishly there was still a huaguduo. Most notably magnolia, far look like wearing a white dress young girl in the dance. Some open branches, as in a whisper. Some low head like gross. A breeze is blowing, and a thick fragrance, refreshing is invigorating. The grass open change to eyes, drill out of the earth, the out a small head, greedily sucking the spring rain your such as oil, they are like the weaving expert of ingenuity, with their conspicuous green woven by collective a green blanket. Ginkgo tree when he heard that voice came, was beaming out small tongue, a few ChunYan singing aloud in the branches, brought vitality to the campus. Students also take off the thick cotton-padded clothes, put on a beautiful spring, appear more spirit, more active. A model on the morning reaidng master, the classroom teacher speak to life, the students listen to concentrate. Recess jollification, as the saying goes: "a year in the spring, a day in the morning is worth two in the evening." Classmates all cherish this wonderful time, racing against time to learn knowledge.





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