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2023-06-16 03:32:02



Egyptian pyramid introduction

The king of the method always ancient Egypt, the pyramid is the method old emperor's mausoleum.The method is old why want to construct pyramid?The huge pyramid sets up how of?Someone says the pyramid is what Alien builds out, fact how actually?

The pyramid is the emperor's mausoleum that the ancient Egyptian king builds for himself.The pyramid of Auspicious Zagreb of Egypt is praised for one of ancient seven greatest miracles in the world.At Egyptian all of the pyramids, the great majorities all are constructed in the third to the sixth dynasty in Egypt.These have for more than 4000 years, the pyramid of history mainly distributes in the grounds, such as capital city Cairo and Nile upper stream west coast giza etc Auspicious Zagreb The left side of the pyramid belongs to card man to pull a king, the right side belongs to a database man king, neighborhood connect a sphinx.main building materials is limestone, part is granite.

Egypt discovers pyramid 80 totally, among them most a pyramid of grand view is set up in around 2600 B.C. of the pyramid of Auspicious Zagreb, all set up to from the artificial.How ancient Egyptian is axe piece of stone Carved Tai to engrave and carve emperor's mausoleum, the letter way of the emperor's mausoleum inner part and the layout of the Ling room just like the maze

【译文】:埃及金字塔 介绍







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