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2023-06-16 05:56:08




I have some habbits, some are good, but some are bad.

I like reading very much. From reading science books, I get a lot of knowledge. From reading novels, I lose myself in the stories. I like doing sports, too. It helps me keep healthy. Also I never put today's work till tomorrow. They are all my good habbits. They help me a lot in my daily life.

However, I also have some bad habbits. For example, sometimes I do my homework slowly, and stay up till very late. During meals I prefer meat to vegetables. And sometimes I play computer games too long without having a reat. They are all harmful to my health.

I'll try to keep my good habbits, and give up the bad ones. Then I'll live better.


As we all know everyone have his own habit,of course ,it contain two sides :good habits and bad habbits.Nobody is perfect in every way.However sometime we didn't know how to judge from our habbits,even some bad habbit ,we always say it was a good habbits with a persistent tone!

As I mention from above,first of all ,we must find out what's bad habbit for us and some bad habbits we have that we didn't know.You know,Smoking is a bad habbits we know and there is no doubt,it can't cause cancer.But you also can't deny some famous people have a habbits like that.But did you know that,for them ,have a cigarette it means have a rest,it can relax theirselves.But it has many ways for relaxing!Why should i choose smoking?So some habbits that ambiguous we don't know whether it was right.In my opinion don't have it, but if you have that habbit ,treat it as usual with positive attitude.when it was turn to bad or tend to bad ,just give it up firmly!

Apart from it,we know some bad habbits like to bully people,bad personal hygiene(卫生) ,people don't keep his word,and so on ,if you one of them,just go to great lengths to give it up!

The way to recognize what 's your bad habbits,just open your heart ,accept criticize.The sooner you try,the less bad habbits your have.

Remember my words,my firends,find out your bad habbits ,to overcome them!


Hi! My name is Pauline. I am 14 years old. I want to be a teacher or a doctor when I grow up. To be a doctor, I must be healthy. It is important for a doctor to be healthy.

Before, I seldom ate vegetables. Because I disliked vegetables. I liked sweet snacks. They taste delicious but they are not good for me. They give me energy but they are not healthy. So I must change my diet. Now, I eat a bowl of rice for breakfast, and I often eat an egg.

For lunch, I usually eat a bowl of soup, vegetables and a bowl of rice. I eat meat and vegetables for dinner. If I want to be healthier, I must exercise. So I changed my lifestyle now. Now, I often exercise once a week. I do not eat snacks or fast food any more. So I think I am healthy.

Now, I am very happy. I hope everybody is healthy and happy.




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