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2023-06-16 06:07:01




My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because it's very hot outside.And in the evening,I go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.


My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I like travelling because I can go to different places and meet different people.Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And it's very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.



The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also helps me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I’d like to make a trip to Xiamen. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday. I am looking forward to it.



I'm happy to have such a good summer holiday!Of course,I have many things to prepare.

First,I need to make a plan about my holiday.I will do my homework 5 hours a day,and I want to read some famous English books to improve myEnglish.

Then, I will see some funny comedies. They can relax myself!

If I have enough time,I will go to the beach.I will go there with my parents and cousins.We'll stay there for three days. We also will do a lot of things there,for examper,playingvolleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at night.and so on.The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever have been going.

I will try my best to do these tings! I hope I have a good time 。









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