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2023-06-20 04:09:15









my favourite animal is the panda,is our"national treasure",bacause pandas nive,lovable and lively, it was very likr it. panda is an ancient animal, is a zoologist called "living fossile " long ago there were many pandas in china, panda bamoo living area has large flowers, dead,threatening the survival of giant pandas. The whole world is extremely concerned about the rare giant panda rescue and transfer work. due to the destruction of the natural balance, climate warming, fewer and fewer panda. Panda is one of endangered animals, now only found in China, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu, people began to conserve this endangered species. Today, the number of pandas has increased, but there is still a long way to go. Care for animals, is to protect human, we should be animals as man's best friend, to care, to protect them. Protection of animals is a duty of each person, let us work together to protect the giant pandas, giving them a good home.

篇二: My pet cat

I have a very beautiful cat.Its colour is white or yellow .its name isHaahua .Ithink it is my favourite cat .she likes sleep playing with the bell .she love ratting meat ,Though it is a kind of animals ,I treat it as my friend .sometime I give her some fish or pork to eat .When she sees the fool she begin to cry miao miao .As if she is very hungry and thirsty .Wherever I amwalk she follws me .

How happy I am !How nice my friend is !I love her more and more .

篇三:The bird and cat

Once upon a time. There was a house. Beside the house there was a bird cage. One day a cat went to eat the bird, So the cat jumped and hit the bird cage. The bird cage fell down to the ground knocking the bird cage‘s door open. The bird then flew away. So the cat started to chase the bird and the dog chased the cat. However the bird flew on top of the tree. So the cat started to climb the tree and the dog barked at the cat. Before the cat could reach the bird, the bird flew away. this caused the cat to fall out of the tree. The dog then ran away, The bird quickly flew back into his cage and the man from the house carried him safely home.


Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. There is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.




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