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2023-06-21 05:08:04




With the deveolopment of Chinese economic, people’s living standard improve.Meat is much more available to people.Meanwhile, the increasing pressure makes people has no time to exercise.As a result, a large number people are suffering obesity or more or less illness.So, more and more people are dreaming to keep fit in both physical and mental.To reach the goal, I have some suggestions following.


To begin with, exercise is the most important factor.Doing exercise can not only build people’s body but also relax themseves.People always say that exercise one hour everyday, healthy lifetime.So I suggest those people who want to be health should do exercise everyday.Considering their time, people can do exercise after work or after school even one or twice a week.They can chose to paly sports, running, walking, swimming or any other exercise that can relax themselves.Secondly, it is nessary to keep a good diet.There is saying,”A apple a day keeps the doctor away.”People need to eat less meat and more vegetable to get enough vitamin and reduce the needless fat.Last but not least, always keeping a good mood can make half the work with double results.A good mood is essential to do a happy life.So please smile to your life and not get angry easily.


To sum up, different people have different attitude towards their life.But everyone wants a healthy life.Just remember do more exercise, eat more vegetable and keep a good mood.Tomorrow will be better.



My day

On Saturday,my day easily.Good morning,I would like to play basketball and sister.Sister played great.12:00 We have been hit.After eating at KFC.Go to math class,has been on the 17 o'clock.Then play the computer until 21:00.Finally,sleep until tomorrow morning.




I like bread and milk in the morning, I like my breadfast. I have rice and chicken for lunch, they are very delicious. In the evening, I havesome fruits and vegetables. My favorite food is apple, because it's healthy.




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