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2023-06-22 03:39:01




The koala is Australia's a small animal,It is smaller, the whole body is mostly gray. A small number of is white.There are two fluffy ears, eyes, nose and mouth are small nose is black,Very cute!

Koalas like a kangaroo has a pouch,The koala mother after grew up in the small koalas in the pouch,And then to find a tree for the koala baby koala own a eucalyptus tree.The koala in 24 hours a day .Sleep during the day for 18 hours, and activity time only 6 hours.

The koala's favorite food is eucalyptus leaves.Because the koala lovely clever and special way of life, I deeply love it.


Look at this animal,is not he very cute?Ho his name is Kenny.He is a koala. He is from South Australia.It is a very beautiful country.He has two big ears,and a big nose.He is not tall,and not fat.

He's about 80cm tall and about 14kg.He usually sleeps and relaxes for about 20 hours a day is not he very lazy.He likes to eat leaves.How do you know he walks very slowly,but he runs very fast.I like he very much. And you?


Koala bear is Australia's unique animal. They inhabits on trees and have a gentle personality with a sincere look. They have a pair of short, hairy ears, with small eyes and big nose and whole body is covered with grey short fur.

The baby lives in a pocket of skin on the mother's stomach. They sleep most of the day and does not have a tail. Many people love them!!


Koalas are from Australia.They are about70-80centermeters long.They are very cute and friendly,but they are lazy. They have big ears,and they look like a litter bear,but they don't have tail.they fur color are white and gray.Their limbs are very strong.They sleep about 14 hours on one day.

They like eating leaves,but they hardly ever drink water.They often in trees.Koalas are our friends,we all like them!


From the ancient indigenous text, meaning "no drink". Koalas from their feeding because of the eucalyptus leaves to obtain the necessary 90 percent of the water and they are only in the sick and drought when the water.

Living in Australia, is Australia's unique precious original arboreal animals, a mammal in a bag Branch Head koala. Distributed in the arid south-eastern Australia in the forest.




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