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2023-06-24 06:03:01




How to see the fate?There is no consensus among people about fate.Some people think one’s fate is destined while he comes into the world.Simultaneouslysome people think one’s fate is controlled by himself .

The former always think only rare people is lucky and destined.Hencewhen opportunity comesthey usualy let it be rather than take effective measureand say fate is unfair to them.

On the contraryquite a few people claim that fate is unfair to everybody.Only by struggling and sweatingyou’ll attain success and luckyou’ll enjoy a high-standard life.It just as old saying goes “As you sowso shall you reap.”

As far as I am concernedI agreed the latter.Thusin order to get master degreeI’m paying painstaking on my lesson.In other wordsthe hard you workthe much progress you get.

Obviouslyfrom what has been discussed abovewe can safely draw a conclusion that fate is equitable to every one.Through strugglingyou’ll achieve you goal and good fate.







Today is a special day is also a day worthy of celebrate by us.Because we will soon step the door of the school of a bead light primary school today leaving our mother school starting our ll new high school life entering an all new study stage.

We still remember the meaning of the bead light primary school school badge.That is a very big cradle load with numerous big birds of inside as long as the big grow up will fly toward the sky of the distant place but they will not forget the loving care from childhood of the cradle.We compare to that only big bird of taking to hope dream of with the thanksgiving fly a bead small.We will is our conviction in the world-wide locations joint effort for not be ungrateful to the teachers expectation but work hard to struggle!

The time of primary school six years lead always so quick is a bead small let us lead since comfortable and happy again meaningful.Here at the same time we must still appreciate industrious gardener- The teachers that everyone has no private dedication everyday at for we but work hard at chores let us say to them in each classmates of with gratitude and esteem!

After taking leave the primary school study career we hold hands together hard!For recompensing the small industrious cultivation of bead but work hard in the high school.今天,是一个特殊的日子,也是一个值得我们庆祝的日子,因为我们即将踏上学校的大门,一个珠光小学今天,离开我们的母校,开始我们新的高中生活,进入一个全新的学习阶段。





Many people believe that they are fated or destined(注定) to a certain life. For example if they are very poor or very ill. They say that is because they were born to be poor or ill and there is nothing they can do about it. But in my opinion people have more control than that over their lives. Maybe they didn’t work hard enough to make money or didn’t take proper care of themselves. By blaming their condition on fate they are avoiding responsibility for their behavior.

I think that for the most part of each person makes his own fate. If you are not satisfied with your own life don’t accept it by blaming it on fate. Change it! If you really want to do it you can! Set your goal and work toward it. Don’t wait for fate to bring you success because it won’t happen .Fate is in your own hands! Go out and make yourself successful rich and happy. Then you can’t be proud of your accomplishment(成就)t. If you are a failure poor and unhappy then you have only yourself to blame for it.

Most people do not seem to realize how much inner strength and ability they have. They don’t think that they can change their lives all by themselves. But if they really have the desire and ambition(.雄心,抱负,野心) then nothing is impossible.







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