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2023-06-30 06:16:15




There is no doubt that obesity has become a disturbing problem which is considered as harmful to our health. However, when it comes to the ways to fight against obesity, different people have different views. Some people think we could eat less so that we will absorb less, while the rest of them argue that we could do more exercise as well as eating healthily. Personally, I agree with the later one.


The reasons can be listed as follows. Firstly, obesity comes form our unhealthy eating habit like eat too much high-energy food, which leads to the accumulation of fat in our body. So, the first step to lose weight is to keep a good habit of eating healthily, and learn to control your mouth, keep yourself away from the high-energy food. Secondly, with most of us engaging in stationary work, we are deprived of the chances to exercise, which also contributes a lot of overweight. We could get up half an hour early in the morning, and do some exercise, and also do some simple sport during the break time in the workplace.


In a word, a good habit is necessary if we want to have a good figure. I believe that after forming a good eating habit and exercising regularly, we can reach our goal of losing weight with our perseverance. Only when we keep on doing healthy diet and exercising, can we keep a good figure and keep fit.



In recent years, losing weight has become a hot topic in our life, especially in women’s community. However, losing weight has aroused people’s attention as many problems has appeared.


There are many ways in losing weight. Some people lose their weight by persisting in doing exercise regularly. Some people take medicine to cut their weight. Furthermore, some turn to operation for help, especially the young. Therefore, all kinds of product have been sold in the market, such as special medicine, tea and equipment.


It’s understandable for human to pay much attention to their good-look. However, many side effects have come into being when some people are losing weight. For example, some people have lost their weight by taking medicine, but at the same time, their digestion systems have been injured. Thus, we should pay more attention to our physical coordination when we choose the way to cut our weight.


In my opinion, doing exercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can train our bodies by taking exercise and become healthier. On the other hand, our mind will be clearer if we do exercise often.



In recent years, the number of people who try their best to lose weight has been increased, especially female. However, some people are so desired to be slim that they get some disease. So there is no doubt that it is important to find scientific and functional ways to lose weight. Here are some tips which can be followed.

First, have an optimistic attitude towards your weight and you should believe that after some efforts you will lose weight. Do not too long for being slim because it is a process and nobody can succeed during one night.

Second, it is essential to keep on a diet. Going on a diet in a scientific way will do something good for your final goal. For instance, enrich the breakfast and eat less at lunch and dinner. Besides, eating some fruits and more vegetable is helpful.

Third, do regular exercise. Regular exercise will not only make you healthy but also provide you a good mood. Remember, doing regular exercise is one of the most important tips for losing weight.

So these are three tips for losing weight and they will do well in losing weight. If you follow them, you can achieve your final goal sooner or later.







in recent years, the number of people who try their best to lose weight has been increased, especially female. however, some people are so desired to be slim that they get some disease. so there is no doubt that it is important to find scientific and functional ways to lose weight. here are some tips which can be followed.

first, have an optimistic attitude towards your weight and you should believe that after some efforts you will lose weight. do not too long for being slim because it is a process and nobody can succeed during one night.

second, it is essential to keep on a diet. going on a diet in a scientific way will do something good for your final goal. for instance, enrich the breakfast and eat less at lunch and dinner. besides, eating some fruits and more vegetable is helpful.

third, do regular exercise. regular exercise will not only make you healthy but also provide you a good mood. remember, doing regular exercise is one of the most important tips for losing weight.

so these are three tips for losing weight and they will do well in losing weight. if you follow them, you can achieve your final goal sooner or later.


Many people in the world want to lose weight in order to keep fit, especially young ladies.

Here is some advise.

First,you should keep away from food with high-fat.

Don`t take too many snacks.

Vegetables and fruits are good for you.

Second,do more exercises.

This is good not only to lose weight ,but also to keep healthy.

However,the most important thing is to insist on for quite a long time.


During the Spring Festival, I ate delicious meal almost every day, so that my weight gained a lot and my body looked fatter. When I came back to school in the new term, all myclassmates are so surprised to see my huge body and round face. I finally realized that I must lose weight. And then I made a plan. To begin with, I must eat less for breakfast and supper than before. At breakfast, I drink milk and have a piece of bread and an egg. I have a bowl of soup and some fruits for dinner. I do not eat sugar anymore, because it will make me fatter. Besides, I keep doing exercises everyday. I go to running after school or play basketball with my classmates. At weekend, I often go to swim. After a month of hard work, I lost five kilograms, but its not enough. I still have to stick to my plan and lose more weight to an appropriate number.


with the development of the morden living standard,more and more people are becoming fat. so losing weight has become a popular topic in people’s dialy lives.many media such as books,magines,newspapers are talking about losing weight.in my opinion,jogging and dieting are very helpful ways of losing weight.

jogging is the easiest and cheapest way of shaping the body.you can do your exercises whenever and wherever you like and you don’t spend a lot of money losing your weight.

at the same time,dieting has become a common way.too.many people have little food therefore,lack of nutrition leads to weakness.

so if you want to lose weight,you should do according to the condition of yourself and do some exercises properly.


"going on a diet" means being moderate in eating and drinking。

as we know, our body is a balanced system which needs a reasonable diet。 a reasonable or balanced diet can help people keep fit because it not only prevents them from eating too much fat which may cause many diseases but aisc provides them with sufficient nutrition to guarantee that their body operates properly。 besides, going on a diet can aisc help people, especially young ladies keep a slender figure, which will of course beautify their life。however, every coin has two sides。 going on a diet is no exception。 if carried to extremes, going on a diet may even become dangerous to our health。 as we know, eating too much will result in corpulence, while eating too little wili lead to malnutrition, which is also the cause of many diseases, obviously, going on a diet doesnt mean eating too little, such a misunderstanding must be avoided。

in my judgement, not everybody needs to go on a diet。 good health should be our primary concern。 if your purpose is to have a slender figure, a diet should be carried only to the extent that your health is not affected。


A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity among children.Take Li Ming for example.

Li Ming used to be a heahhv boy, but over a year ago, he got into the habit of eating a lot of junk food and snacks. Besides, he spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, and did little exercise. As a result, he put on so much weight that he found it difficult to chimb stairs.

So Li Ming decided to change the unhealthy life style, ftc began to have balanced, healthy diet. Itc also took part in various sports activities such as swimming, skating, running and playing baskellball. Months later, Li Ming became as fit as before.


Nowadays weight-losing has become popular among young and middle-aged women. In order to make themselves pretty-looking, they try many different ways of losing weight. Some go on a diet, some take exercise,some eat medicine ,others even turn to operation for help. As a result,a lot of products have come into being,such as special medicines, tea and equipment. They are used in different ways and work differently, but some have side effects.

In my opinion, it‘s understandable that women seek beauty, but they should do it in a proper way. Taking exercise is the way that I most favor. But the other methods are likely to do harm to people‘s health more or less.


Nowadays weight-losing has become popular among young and middle-aged women. in order to make themselves pretty-looking, they try many different ways of losing weight.

Some go on a diet, some take eercise,some eat medicine ,others even turn to operation for help. as a result,a lot of products have come into being,such as special medicines, tea and equipment. they are used in different ways and work differently, but some have side effects.

In my opinion, its understandable that women seek beauty, but they should do it in a proper way. taking eercise is the way that i most favor. but the other methods are likely to do harm to peoples health more or less.




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