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2023-07-08 02:35:15




There are many kinds of animals, animals and humans are good friends, and some like cats, like dogs, some like birds, and my favorite animal is rabbit, it has several kinds of color can be white, black, black yellow, design and color, brown and so on.

The rabbit was covered with furry white hair, far look like a regiment cotton. It's a pair of red eyes were white hair covered, embedded in the eye socket, like the two ruby. White rabbit two long ears, two full inches and a half, inside layer is pink skin, outside furry, I think it must be very acute hearing. Pianpian, the small white rabbit nose lips into three disc, always stirred up continually, I do not know because of fear, or at any time according to smell looking for food. Rabbit body plump, looks quite fat. Front legs short and small, the hind legs are long and powerful, in the animal kingdom, it is also a long-distance runner. The rabbit tail has a short and small tail, as the saying goes: rabbit tail long.

My rabbit is not generally, it has the characteristics of the day the stillness of the night to move. Listless during the day, repose, intake less; High spirit, at night to gather the food, water, accounts for about 70% of all above. It's in daytime repose, show lie or sleep. At this time in addition to hearing other stimulation induced less exciting. I in addition to food leaves feed steamed bread apple and so on. My rabbit nest is no doors, it to enter into, free. I didn't about cage rabbit is very clever at WC (toilet).

If you are like a rabbit, what else do you know him? Can you tell me?



我家的兔子可不一般, 它具有昼静夜动的特点。白天无精打采,闭目养神,采食量很少;夜间精神旺盛,采食、饮水增加,约占全日的70%以上。它在白天常闭目养神,呈静伏或睡眠状态。这时除听觉外其他刺激激不易引起兴奋。我除了菜叶子还要喂馒头苹果等。我家的兔子窝是没有门的,它想进就进,自由自在。 我的兔子没有关笼子很聪明会上WC(卫生间)。



Everyone is like small animals, some people like cats, some people like a puppy, also some people like a dove. You know I like small animals? To tell you the truth, I like the little white rabbit.

The small white rabbit has a pair of long ears on its head, like two curved cheap knife. Its eyes are red like a pair of shiny ruby, in fact, this is the color of the small white rabbit eyes blood vessels. Its tail is short, hairy, it feels very comfortable!

The small white rabbit favorite cabbage and radish. Radish, divided into two kinds, one kind is bai luobo, one is a carrot. Carrot not fine not coarse, the largest and only five centimeters, is crisp and sweet. White cast very thick, the finest has a centimeter, tastes a bit sweet. Adult rabbit likes to eat green radish, carrot, and the small white rabbit like to eat tender baby cabbage of my youth. Adult rabbit food, every day to eat only about one kilogram of radish, the small white rabbit, a day to eat 125 grams of Chinese cabbage.

Do you know why the white rabbit eyes are red? Ha ha, don't know! To you, in fact, every kind of rabbit fur color, its body with fur color pigment. By pigment with the white rabbit is white, also is not color, because the color of blood is red, so the white rabbit's eyes are red.

I said so many, you should know why I like the little white rabbit!









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