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2023-07-08 04:45:08


导语: 春节,家家户户都张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。今年的春节,我过得特别有意思。下面是小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。


I am a country man, and the Spring Festival is the biggest festival for me.

Home this Spring Festival I went back to my father and mother and grandma together, just to my grandma's only listen to the sound of "pa, pa, pa" the sound of firecrackers, entered the house after I said to my grandmother 'grandma, why should put much more noisy firecrackers? "then my grandmother told me that setting off firecrackers is a custom, said master for visitors,' oh, originally the small set off firecrackers also has knowledge greatly, 'I don't the sighs. Then I learned a lot from my grandmother, for example. Every household in the month of December will kill the pig, beat the glutinous rice cake, the mobean skin, make the rice cake, and make the New Year's goods

You know, every New Year's day a few days ago, families are in cleaning, affix Spring Festival couplets, until, on the morning of the lunar New Year, must be up early to make dumplings, dumplings will to put as COINS into the dumplings, said in the New Year prosperous, making a fortune.

After the first two years, people will go to the lunar New Year with the rice cake and pig's feet. In general, the annual meeting is to be returned by the 15th day, because the 15th day of the first month is the Lantern Festival.

The Spring Festival is the most enthusiastic, the most accurate day, every time I celebrate the Spring Festival, I am still in the happiness.


今年春节我和爸爸妈妈又回到了家乡和外婆一起过,刚到外婆家只听传来一阵‘啪、啪、啪’的放鞭炮的声音,进到屋里后我对外婆说‘ 外婆,多吵得鞭炮啊为什么要放呢’后来外婆告诉我放鞭炮是一个习俗,表示主人对来客的,‘哦,原来小小的放鞭炮也有大大学问啊’我不经感叹道。接着,我又从外婆口中了解了很多,比如;一到腊月家家户户都要杀猪,打糍粑、莫豆皮、做年糕,赶产打年货····





During the Spring Festival, people are happy and happy and welcome the Spring Festival.

People worship, ancestor worship, abundant for the coming year, source of money widely enter, the business is thriving, learning progress, the spirit of the dragon: every household to buy fireworks, this coke is broken firecracker shop boss son...

Night, the dark one, suddenly lit up, but not light, but the individual fireworks in a loud voice to attract people to appreciate its beauty and wonderful moment; The firecracker used its own loud voice to tell the world that it was much better than fireworks.

Our whole family sit in front of the television, waiting for the arrival of the Spring Festival gala, the tea table on a wide variety of melon and fruit, grapes, bananas, apples, oranges, dragon fruit, watermelon, etc., as we chat, and look forward to watching TV.

The Spring Festival gala has already begun! Each one has his own special program, the show is also many, the little thing is interesting, the magic is magical, the song and dance is wonderful, the acrobatics is strange. In these programs, my favorite show is the magic mirror, and liu qi-yi's amazing magic makes me look so amazing that I can't figure out a clue...

The Spring Festival gala was not finished yet, but I was asleep, and the Spring Festival was quietly leaving when I slept.










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