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2023-07-08 04:50:01




The earth is our home, we are living on this blue planet, have the clear, blue sky, blue sea, the warm sunshine, clean water, fertile land,... But if we are to enjoy what earth is giving without protecting the earth, our mother will be completely unrecognisable and fragmented.

To protect the environment, treat everything, is the common duty of mankind and to human homes, we're all going to action, and we all want to do an important thing - to protect the environment

If we throw it away, we will pollute a lot of land and ground water. If we collect them and send them to the recycling station, we can do both environmental and recycling.

Save every drop of water, the faucet is closed, prevent waste.

3, the garbage is classified into a treasure, and the recycling of resources.

Protect the natural environment and cherish animals and plants.

When eating outside, use less disposable items and save paper towels.

Let's take part in the environmental protection, love our home, make our crystal clear planet more lovely and beautiful!










First I want to ask: what is environmental protection? Simply put, environmental protection is about protecting your environment.

For now, the water and air quality of our suichang are ok. Per capita water resources are 13531 cubic meters, 9.5 times the province's total per capita of 1417 cubic meters. To let the local has a good environment, the environmental protection bureau of uncles and aunts USES a number of ways, there are 1, 2, total amount control, environmental impact assessment 3, sets up the sulfur dioxide pollution comprehensive treatment 4, 5, and acid rain control zone.

But they are not enough to protect the environment. Do you know? A small battery can contaminate a square mile of land, which is not allowed to plant any plant, even if it is planted. You think about it, a grain of small battery can be a square miles of land pollution, pollution that we need to how much land, down to earth like this one day it will be our destruction. But now it's not too late. The question is whether you can repent.

It's not hard to protect the environment, as long as you don't spit on the ground. Don't throw rubbish on the ground; Not setting up sulfur dioxide; Do not cut down trees and dig the earth. Don't litter the plastic bags and garbage. Don't take your favorite flowers and flowers, and throw them away when you don't like them.

Protecting the environment is important to all of us, and as long as we work together, we can make a piece of desert a oasis. Let the grass be fatter, the trees greener, the flowers brighter; Let the water in the river flow happily, and leave a blue sky and water for society.

Environmental protection, did you do that?


目前来说我们遂昌的.水资源、空气质量都还算可以。人均水资源量13531立方米,为全省人均1417立方米的9.5倍呢!为了让我们遂昌有一个好的环境,环保局的叔叔阿姨们采用了很多办法,有1、总量控制2、环境影响评价 3、污染综合治理4、设立二氧化硫5、酸雨控制区。








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