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2023-07-08 05:09:11




How wonderful the little prince is! This is a book that can be read aloud by my mother as a child... It is a book that allows people of all ages to reexperience the beauty of innocence and to be moved by the beauty of innocence. Read this book, you can let people of different ages get their own understanding.

The little prince was beautiful and lovely. A blonde hair, a light weight, a sword in one hand, a hand in the waist, and a cloak of stars, especially handsome and handsome. He lives on a very small planet with active volcanoes, extinct volcanoes, baobabs and a rose. The little prince loved the flower, but didn't know how to love it. So one day he left the planet to visit a few nearby asteroids, and saw the king, the vain man, the merchant, the lamplighter... Then, on earth, there was a snake, a mountain, a rose garden, a fox... The experience made him understand something, but he still didn't understand many of the adults who met. Then he saw the pilot in the desert who was forced into the desert by an airplane crash. They became good friends, drew together, and found a well. The little prince found himself still deeply in love with his rose, and he decided to go back. Give your laughter as a gift to the pilot who loves him.

Reading this book, I will always remember the little prince's crystal heart and the things he had met and the problems he had. Through the confusion of the little prince, he realized that everyone and everything had a small planet, and they would follow their own path. Everyone is an independent body, and there is a feeling of loneliness, and "domestication" makes everything different... The love of the little prince is noble and pure. I love the little prince and the little prince.





"The little prince," the little prince of the little prince, said, "you're gone, I love the color of the wheat!" This sentence how shabby, but this sentence to express love for him, the little prince little fox thank I will also like fox love my parents, don't they care about, and they are not compatible, not in front of them saying with a loud voice, asking them to buy this buy that, we as their children is to listen to them, rather than they like your "servant" to do a lifetime of "servant", they will one day be old, what will you do? Who do you depend on? So learn to be grateful, and have a thankful heart.

Grade five: yi zi lu

When you see the name of the book is "the little prince", thought it was a childish book, that you would be wrong, in fact, this book is based on the novel of name, this book is the pilot, French writer, st t ek perry wrote books, st t ek perry his fame comes from the "little prince", he is very strict to the requirement of the "little prince", the illustrations in the book was originally he asked a famous painter, his dissatisfaction with the painter painted illustrations to his creation, hence became his representative.

There is a lot of truth in "the little prince," if you look at it carefully.








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