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2023-07-08 06:59:06




On a sunny day, I made an appointment with some of my inseparable friends to visit our house.

I'll come up with a blackboard, a pen and a piece of magnet, then took out a pen to draw on the blackboard a person, he missed a nose, I said, "who can close your eyes to the nose up even win." Friends are scrambling to grab food, like a gift from Santa Claus.

A friend grabbed, he closed his eyes according to the magnet up, other friends all laugh loudly, he opened his eyes looked, post the nose mouth, such not only has no nose, mouth and a mole. The other friends tried and failed, and I was myself.

Then I closed my eyes and put my nose up. My friend didn't smile. I opened my eyes and said, "I did it!"

Through the summer vacation, I learned that in life, you can only succeed if you are good at watching.







That day, because of the hot weather, my father took me to the river to play and brought a bottle of fish. When I came to the river, my father sat down under the tree and took the cool. I was playing with water and catching fish in the river.

Suddenly, I saw a shrimp, and thought it was a fish, and I was eager to put my arm around it, but it ran away. I went after it, and I put my hand around it, and I put my arm around it, and I looked at it, and it turned out to be a shrimp. At that moment, I was like a deflated ball. I thought: it's not easy to catch it, or keep it up! Then I caught a few fish and put them in the bottle.

I carried the bottle proudly forward and stepped on a piece of moss on the stone. Just listen to "dong", I look like a drowned chicken, whole body is water. And the fish and shrimp in the bottle took advantage of the opportunity, leaving an empty bottle in the water. I picked up the bottle and glumly headed for the bank. It's a real "no chicken, no rice". As a result, I went home wet.

Every time I think about it, my face goes red to the ear.








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