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2023-07-11 06:21:10




Today is mother's day! What should I give my mother?

I thought about it for a long time, and at last I thought that nothing was worth a nice, dutiful daughter, and I decided to be such a daughter today.

What is the first job of a nice, obedient daughter? It's: cleaning. I wipe, I wipe, I wipe, wipe what? Of course it is to wipe glass, left wipe, right wipe, not a moment, all kinds of glass is clean like a mirror is clean and transparent. What to do after you finish cleaning? The swept, I picked up the broom, and, once again, I tried the sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep out, you will find that the ground clean, if you see, are you sure you don't have the heart to step up, afraid to step on dirty.

What's the second job? Of course: massage. Don't you understand what I mean? Massage means to knead your mother's muscles, relieve the stress, and make your mother more comfortable. I began to work, starting with my mother's shoulder, kneading, pinching and pinching, and I asked my mother, "is it comfortable?" The mother smiled and said, "well, as long as you're pinching, you're comfortable." I was so sweet, as if I had tasted honey, and I looked at my mother's happy smile, and I smiled. "this is the happiest mother's day I've ever had," she said.

Mother love, love is the greatest love in the world, I love my mother, I wish the world mother happy holidays.







Today is mother's day, mom and dad went to see the mother, I was left alone in the home, it reminds me of a public welfare advertisement: mother wash feet for grandma, a seven or eight years old boy was quivering side to wash footbath wash feet for mom. Pass it on. I always felt like doing something for my mother.

Hugo has said that the arm of a mother is composed of love. How can the child sleep in it? I thought to myself: I want to make my mother sweet today. While my parents were in the country, I was alone at home trying to do something interesting to show my mother. What to do? I want my mother to eat my own cooking. So I started trying to cook. First of all, I take their food from the refrigerator according to the practice of mother usually do it, but because of inadequate experience, good food I cooked composition, coke smell from the kitchen filled the room, it can make me urgent, so I desperately to sprinkle pepper, sugar, salt, chicken essence, and so on... And the earth. Then mom came back and she smelled the coke and said, "what are you doing? "I, I accidentally burned the dish. I wanted to do it for you, but..." "Silly child, mother is not hungry, you are small, do not burn, mother know you is a sensible child." Finish the cleaning. "Mom, what should I give you?" I asked. "No, mom doesn't need presents. Seeing you happy is the best gift for me." ...... "

Yes, mother love is so selfless and great. But sometimes we are like a bee grew up in a honeypot, don't have to worry about life as a child, mother will for you honey, and we need to do is to enjoy, these we thought we have tired of the mother's care. On this day I really feel like I am in the blessing, I must better listen to my mother's words.







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