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2023-07-11 06:30:19


导语: 夏天来了,大自然变得更加美丽。把夏天的温度带进文字之中吧,把美好的记忆伴随着微笑储藏在笔下一点一点的墨迹之中。下面是小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。


Cicadas in the trees squeaked cried, the frog croaked and sing on the lotus leaf, the dog in the yard tongue, a group of ants walked up and down on the ground, as if in a group dance.

In the garden, the flowers were colorful, colorful, purple, red and yellow. But the most beautiful in the pool is lotus, the flowers are pink, sending out the light fragrance, attracted a lot of dragonflies, the pieces of the green lotus leaf, like handfuls of umbrella stand in the water. In the garden, the purple eggplant glows, and the slender cucumber is covered in emerald green, and the fat winter melon looks like a baby doll.

Summer is very hot and most people are eating ice cream. The ice cream tastes sweet and cool. It rains a lot this summer, and when it rains, people are wearing colorful umbrellas. They are very beautiful. The rain was a hard-working little girl who washed the leaves, washed the flowers, washed the streets, and the world turned into a big crystal palace.





Some people like the flowers of spring, others like the fruits of autumn, others like the snowflakes in winter... But I like summer best.

There are beautiful lotus flowers in summer. The lotus flower is like a little girl in a pavilion, dancing with the wind. The petals of the lotus flower are white and white, and their roots cling to the soil, no matter the wind and rain, the lotus flowers are always undisturbed and strong in the wind.

In summer there are all kinds of pop-ice that I love to eat. Every arrive the summer vacation, my mother always bought me a lot I love to eat popsicles, roller skating movement back in the evening, licking delicious Popsicle, looked at extra-curricular leisure, the sweat also fade down immediately. That feeling, a word to describe "good"!

I have a swimming pool in summer. When I love to swim, I feel free and unfettered, like a happy fish, and sometimes I will break through the waves like an arrow in a string. Sometimes, like a little sea turtle, I go slowly on the pond. When I close my eyes, I feel like I'm being hugged by the water.

I like hot summer days.









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