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2023-07-11 06:33:01




My favorite thing is to keep a pet, but I have not a normal animal, but a strange gadgets: small hamster, little beetle, small crabs and six hundred water baby.

I have two little hamsters: "woolly" and "ball". One night, I took them downstairs for a walk, and I saw others walking the dog, and I was very pleased with my hamster. Many children came and found the hamster in the cage, curious. "The ball" was shy and hid in a small house. "MAO MAO" was very daring. It jumped up and down, causing everyone to laugh.

However, "the ball ball" to die for no reason, I am very sad, every time I hear the word "ball", I just want to cry, only maomao, it is very lonely.

I bought a little beetle and its companion in order to make it not lonely, and they jumped and hopped, and it was hilarious. Once, I let little beetle climbed on the floor, in order to give mom a "surprise", I put the beetle in the box, and then use the box to the mother, the mother opened the box of a look, and when she screamed, and the expression of fear on his face, frighten suddenly ran out of the door, my mother told me very regret bought a beetle.

Pets give me a lot of fun in my after-school life. I like them very much.







Every time I come home from school, the first thing to do is shout "light snow", and every time there is a round like a snowball rolling to the front of me, that is my Kitty light snow.

Light snow has a white fluffy, white see a noise, a pair of transparent bright big eyes, round eyes change multiterminal, like two date in the morning, at noon, mi became a line, become two small green light bulb again in the evening. A pair of sensitive little ears on the head of the little snow can hear the sound of all directions, and the two of them on the tip of the mouth, how lovely they look!

Xiao xue is very fond of eating fish. When mom buy fish back, it will in the mother feet left ceng ceng, right still kept uttered sigh "meow meow" o mother, as if to say: "mom, I'm hungry, I would like to eat fish, give me!" When my mother asked me to put the fish on its plate, it was happy! First the left smell, the right olfactory, then the tongue licked, then gulped the ground to eat up, completely ignored my existence, treating me as the air. If we eat it with relish, it will give you a quick shot and take it back to its food.

The most interesting thing is when the snow catches mice. Once, in the kitchen, xiao xue found a suspected criminal suspect, a rat. Light snow, like the police, to quietly behind with the mouse, then grabbed it, put it away again, so caught a put, put, light snow seems to be in mice and played the game, the mouse was too tired to exhaustion, light snow to put it the "trophy" to eat.

Xiao xue is my close companion, I like it very much!









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