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2023-07-11 06:39:01




How the steel was made is the work of the Russian writer ostrovsky. Tells the story of a youth named Paul ko ezer gold because joined the red army against the enemy, from an ordinary young man gradually turned into an excellent Soviet soldiers. In the war, Paul fought many times to the brink of death, suffering from pain. Finally, he was blind and paralyzed. But he remained fearless, optimistic, never lost faith in life, and eventually wrote a novel.

We will not go through the cruel war again, and our life is full of happiness, but we also need the spirit of Paul. In the course of learning, it is difficult to avoid difficulties when you are learning. In the course of piano practice, there will be anger and impatience in the difficult places. Comparing Paul, I was struck by his strong will and tenacious will, and ashamed of my past performance.

I like "how the steel was tempered", I like Paul, he let me understand the meaning of strong, feel the power of will, in future study and life, I must also will encounter various difficulties, Paul I ko ezer gold is not a good example?





"How the steel was tempered" this book mainly wrote revolutionary fighters. Paul from the children of the young one by the rule of the tsar grow into an outstanding youth in the Soviet regime. Born in a poor family, he was tortured and abused by countless non-human beings during his childhood and childhood, but he lived a tough life. Then he joined the red army, fought heroically, suffered several serious injuries and nearly died, but he beat death again and again. After the victory of the revolution, he was paralyzed and blind. Pauls life was a rough one, but he was strong and strong and strong willed.

Read, study abroad I remembered in the history of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign net and how many heroes like Paul, they waist, made a great contribution to human beings. For example, the historian of the western han dynasty, sima qian, has written the history of the historical records in prison. British physicist Stephen Hawking, was suffering from a rare muscular atrophy sclerosis, but he with amazing perseverance stick to study and research, in a wheelchair has always been thinking about the vast universe, completed the famous black hole explosion theory, the black hole plays an important role in the development of physics. And Helen of the United States. Keller lost audio-visual potential at an early age, under the teachers education, after she fought tenaciously, mastered five languages, after graduating from college, she changed the course of his life into the enterprise which serves for the disabled. There are countless such heroes.

Read "how the steel was tempered" later, my mood once in a very long while cant calm: a person can achieve, is not in a condition of good or bad, but that there is no struggle the spirit. A man can master his own destiny by setting lofty ideals and goals. As Paul live in hard times people with disabilities can be made such a great achievement, we in the health of students should be more cherish this perfect time and life, to study hard, to overcome the small difficulties, for our country modernization. A short story

How the steel is made is so good! I also need to learn more about spiritual nutrition.








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