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2023-07-11 06:42:01




After reading this book, I learned to be honest and strong.

The heroine of the story, Jane eyre, had lost her parents from a small child, and was able to keep her uncle's house, although she tried hard, but she still couldn't escape the joy of her aunt. She was then sent to a charity school, where she studied under extremely harsh conditions for six years and two years as a teacher. After graduation from charity school, Jane took the courage to meet her new life and was hired to be a governess at thornfield hall. As soon as it was about to be in love, a secret that had been hidden for 15 years had made the wedding impossible, and then it was the wrong way to get whitcross. A good Samaritan took her, st. John and his two sisters...

This story tell me, at any time, any place, should be honest, to treat his enemy, sooner or later one day, they will be moved us. This is the way to love your aunt and be kind to yourself.

Must hold to, the secret of the wedding didn't let Jane to give up, but more strong, can say is a kind of hone, efforts to go down, as long as we persevere you closer to your goals and true love.

Jane eyre is our role model and you will be strong!







The novel focuses on the growth of the heroine Jane eyre. She had lost her parents, she had been sent to her aunt's house, and she had been bullied by unequal treatment, and she had become an unimagined grievance and pain. As an adult, she became a governess of thornfield hall, earning her master's respect and love with genuine affection and dignity. But the fate is so cruel, she has paid the price of hard to calculate, persisted in her own faith, clinging to her own ideals and pursuits.

After reading this novel, I understand a truth: in the face of difficult dissatisfaction with life and fate have to resist, must have the perseverance, don't be a resignation, will only to please someone else's dog; Be brave to pursue their # # p# page title e# desire for freedom, happiness, and the pursuit of a higher mental state, to be brave in exploitation, innovation, open up new ways of living, like lu xun said: "the earth is actually the no road, walk of person many, also then became road."

Human value = dignity + love which I learned from Jane eyre.





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