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2023-07-12 04:38:03




The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous ricewrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats.The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. Thisregattacommemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. The dragon-boat races symbolize the many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body. A typical dragon boat ranges from 50-100 feet in length, with a beam of about 5.5 feet, accommodating two paddlers seated side by side.



Duanwu Festival (端午节, Duānwū Jié) is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth.[citation(引用;引证) needed] It has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well. In the West, it's commonly known as Dragon Boat Festival.

The exact origins of Duan Wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC-278 BC) of the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government. The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu's body. They also sat on long, narrow paddle boats called dragon boats, and tried to scare the fish away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking carved dragon head on the boat's prow(船头).

In the early years of the Chinese Republic, Duan Wu was also celebrated as "Poets' Day," due to Qu Yuan's status as China's first poet of personal renown(名声名望).

Today, people eat bamboo-wrapped steamed glutinous(粘的) rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death.


杜安的确切起源尚不清楚,但有一个传统观点认为,这个节日是为了纪念战国时期的中国诗人屈原(公元前340 - 278)。他在河里淹死,因为他对楚国政府的腐败感到厌恶。当地人知道他是个好人,决定把食物扔到河里喂鱼,这样他们就不会吃屈曲的身体。他们还坐在长,狭窄的桨船叫龙舟,试图吓跑鱼船上的雷鸣般的巨响鼓上,激烈的雕刻龙头船的船首。






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