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2023-07-13 07:18:01




The wenchuan earthquake has been far from us, and the word earthquake has been forgotten. But suddenly the word appeared again. Yesterday, watching TV, the news said the earthquake in jilin province, is in siping and gongzhuling border, there has been an earthquake of magnitude 4.3, there were no injuries, no homes have been destroyed, ah, really ecstatic. It is said that in changchun and jilin city, students in changchun and changchun had been evacuated early, and some secondary schools had evacuated students to the cultural square.

Although we don't have an earthquake here, I feel I should have a sense of prevention. Remember the sichuan earthquake, the headmaster of a school as usual grasp teaching building of maintenance quality is bad, earthquake can take time to exercise, so no casualties, when the earthquake the building did not collapse. So we also need to organize exercises in time to prevent future problems. Of course, there are fire drills and so on, to evacuate and evacuate. No disaster is better, and once something happens, we don't panic.

Life is so beautiful, I hope that the world will be safe, and there will be no more earthquakes anywhere.

汶川地震已经离我们很远了,地震这个词也已经快被淡忘了。但忽然之间这个词又出现了。昨天看电视,新闻里说,吉林省地震了,是在四平与公主岭交界处,那里发生了4.3 级地震,没有人员伤亡,也没有房屋被毁,啊,真是烧高香了。据说,感应最强烈的是长春市和吉林市,长春的小学生都提前放学,有的中学已把学生疏散到了文化广场。




The day before yesterday evening I saw Posting place in baidu press corps has 7, 0 earthquake struck sichuan ya 'an pictures so I hurriedly open, look after, my heart was going to collapse, I also shed tears, you know, there were millions of people have died in the earthquake, how many innocent people died! Shout to their loved ones cry day, throat is crying dumb, I think, why is god so unfair, every disaster happened in sichuan people, don't their life should be left in the world? My friends, give your love and extend your hands to save these poor sichuan compatriots.

Ya, our hearts are always with you, please don't be afraid, disaster is never less than our hearts, brave go forward, you brave stand up, please.

Finally, my feng is here to wish the people of sichuan disaster area the people of the disaster area, please be good enough to rest in the ground! I wish to bless those who have been wounded. I wish you a speedy recovery and a lifetime of peace.







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