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2023-07-18 07:40:01




The mercy-killing has been becoming the hot topic around the world,and fierce discussion about its legalization occurs at home and abroad.In my opinion,the mercy-killing should be legalized.

For these patients who can never be cured,death is unavoidable to them,so putting the mercy-killing into practice is the best way to let them get rid of the great pain.And these patients have to suffer from the pain,at the same time,their family members have to stand the burdens economically or mentally,as a result,their family bread down.Therefore,it's merciful for the doctors to help these patience come to an end of their life with the mercy-killing.In addition,to reduce the pain of the patients is one of the doctors' duty,so mercy-killing is moral.To be frank,everyone has the right and freedom to manage their own final destiny,such as refuse any cure.And thus right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death,even when it's necessary to ask somebody else to end their life.(

Therefore,again,I want to call on the legitimization of the mercy-killing to let the patients get rid of the struggle between life and death as soon as possible,aimed at letting them live beautifully as well as die with dignity.


Euthanasia is one of society's most widely and hotly debated moral issues. It has pained and exhausted the courts for entirely too long, questioning the ethics and morality of the issue. It is a never-ending loop that by no means considers our right, or the victim's right, to freedom.

I believe that euthanasia is only debated and kept on the political agenda to keep the courts busy, thereby ensuring the security of political pocket books.

The vast majority of the population is in favor of euthanasia. However, their elected candidates don't represent their views. Thus eliminating their power of democracy and right to freedom.


Mercy killing is one of the most controversial issues in the world of medicine. As the picture given above depicts, a late-stage cancer patient is terminally-ill, asking the doctors for mercy killing. But the doctors look deeply embarrassed, feeling helpless because they are at a loss what to do about it.

The picture really sets me thinking. It implies that people differ in their attitudes towards the mercy killing. Some people think that physician-assisted suicide can relieve dying patients of unbearable pain and suffering. They maintain that as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, he has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death. Others are strongly opposed to physician-assisted suicide. They contend that a doctor has no right to give a patient sufficie nt medication to control his pain if that may hasten death. They conclude that it is illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.

As far as I’m concerned, doctors have a duty to help dying patients to alleviate their pain and suffering. I also agree that doctors deserve to be punished if they prolong the needless suffering of their terminally-ill patients. In short, I am in favor of mercy killing.


The fast advance of medicine and life–extending technologies enable life to be prolonged.The euthanasia has been becoming the hot topic around the world, and questioned discussion about its legalization occurs at home and abroad. In my opinion, the euthanasia is mercy.

it can help hopeless ill patients to dead qucikly,relieve them from the pain , For these people,the quality of life is the foundation value of life .For these patients who can never be cured, death is unavoidable to them, so the euthanasia is the best way to let them away from great pain. And these patients have to suffer from the pain, at the same time, their family members have to stand the expensive medical expenses and the great hurt mentally,

"We mustn't delay any longer … swallowing is difficult … and breathing, that's also difficult. Those muscles are weakening too … we mustn't delay any longer."the words from a Dutchman asked his doctor to help him die. At that time ,he was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly get worse.

Therefore,it's merciful for the doctors to help these patience come to an end of their life with the euthanasia. In addition, to reduce the pain of the patients is one of the doctors' duty, so euthanasia. is moral. To be frank, everyone has the right and freedom to manage their own final destiny, such as refuse any cure. And thus right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death, even when it's necessary to ask somebody else to end their life.

In a word .I want to call on the legitimization of the euthanasia.let the patients get rid of the struggle between life and death as soon as possible.


The definition of euthanasia is incurable patient himself or his relatives -in law get the doctor's permit to terminate the patient's treatment.

Some people are positive to euthanasia.Firstly,it can relief the family's abandon.Secondly,it helps incurable patient to release their mental and physical painless.last but not least,the major aim of this act is to make incurable patient die with dignity. While other people are skeptical of this advantages in euthanasia.They think the disadvantages far outweigh advantages.For instance,the morality will be affected.It creates the chances for those who want to flee from the responsibility of taking care of the patient.Those who disagree with euthanasia,considering medicine technology is developing and no one can sure the disease that can't cure today doesn't have the possibility of good treatment in the future.

In my opinion,it doesn't belong to euthanasia for claiming vegetables' lives by human effort.Because vegetables have already lost their consciousness and they couldn't realize what is pain or happiness.




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