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2023-07-24 02:15:18


This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computerwordI fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off,8ttt8.commy mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect.

How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy,try your best.

Today i went to the museum.I met some robots. I think I am also be able to have a robot in many years.I think they can help me do some dishes .They also can help with my homework.A good robot can make me happy.When i am upset ,they can tell jokes for me.I will have more free time to have a relax.

Today i took the bus to the park. Some people were waiting for the bus at the bus stop.When a young girl came,she spat a gum on the ground While she was waiting,she herself stepped on the gum.The gum stuck to one of her foot.When the bus came , she got on the bus. Then she discovered the gum stuck her foot all the time.

Today,I"m going shopping with my mother, We buy some

apples bananasa big watermelon.I"m buying some new books ,because I like reading interesting books very much.Then we get home.I"m very happy!




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