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2023-07-26 02:25:05




As is known to us all,Micro-blog is a new tool in the era of mass media,and the status of micro-blog in people"s life is more and more can"t be replaced today.Many people tend to take advantage of micro-blog to describe their everyday experience, and through the network to share with their friends.Moreover, through the micro-blog we can quickly understand the various news.Indeed, to some extent, such as efficient as a fashion.

However, micro-blog will inevitably have a negative impact on some aspects.Micro-blog on freedom of speech, some of the information was distorted and misleading.What is more, some people in micro-blog release some fraudulent information, and this brings certain threat on people"s property safety.In addition,some unhealthy information on Micro-blog , to some extent, affects the healthy development of young people.

As far as I am concerned,We can"t deny that micro-blog plays an important role in our lives.Generally speaking, micro-blog has more advantages than disadvantages.On the one hand, micro-blog has enriched our life and made our lives more grade.On the other hand,indulged in micro-blog will do harm to our study and life.Therefore, we should use micro-blog reasonably, and let the micro-blog serve us better.





In recent years, an information platform is popular among lots of people. It is called Micro Blog that is different from traditional blog. There are some advantages and disadvantages of micro blog.

Differing from traditional blog, micro blog’s content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregate file size. In terms of that, the users are not required as strictly as traditional blogs. Therefore, more people can use the micro blog. Moreover, there are more ways to write blogs. You can instantly your personal information by phone, website and other ways. It’s more convenience than traditional blogs. Another advantage is that you can make friends and share your information by micro blog. Micro blog can save your records and sustain interpersonal relationship.

While micro blog has many advantages, there are some disadvantages. First, the transmission is unlimited. On account that the number of words is limited to a few hundred words, the information is difficult to transmit. Second, it will bring some troubles. With the increase of the number of fans, many people will increasingly care about their own popularity and more and more junk information. They are very bad effects.

As far as I’m concerned, micro blog should be used well and play a good role to build the bridge of communication.








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