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2023-07-26 06:54:02




Today, our family visit to the hangzhou wildlife animals together, there can be more animals. Starling, northeast big tiger, as well as national treasure panda... Among them, the most precious, most lovely, the most lively and clever is the giant panda. Let me carefully introduce for everybody!

The body of the giant panda is short and fat. The tail is a little short. Hair is very smooth. Pandas like to eat most is black and green bamboo, you see, giant pandas eat bamboo how happy ah! Giant pandas have nothing to do. Is holding the rounded head fast asleep. In addition to sleep is to eat. The most funny is that two black, like didn't sleep like yesterday. There is a very funny thing is that he start to rickety, to a black and white duck.

I also want to know more about the giant panda, so I asked the keeper uncle, uncle said: "the panda called xiaoxiao, before when I was a child he always climb from this tree to that tree is all, now grown up, sleeping all day, as long as hear a sound, xiaoxiao just open your eyes to see, and then sleep."

How about this giant pandas are cute, naive?






The giant panda, is a national treasure, the world is only more than 1000. Panda body fat, fat claws, greedy mouth, always give us a deep impression.

Giant panda five points as a bear, five points as a cat, no wonder people call it the panda. It chubby body, fat limbs, and the king "glasses". May be the panda often stay up late at night, get out of the black rim of the eye. Panda hair look very smooth, fluffy ears from time to time, telescopic, what seemed to be listening. The panda's tail is short. Limb dark, go up and bottom a twist twist, make us don't laugh.

It eat bamboo is also very interesting, first clutched bamboo, lest someone stealing food. Next, it left, right, ate with relish. It never eat bamboo "half-hearted" I call it several sound it all ignore me. It eat bamboo, wiped her mouth with the chubby PAWS, lazily lie on the bed motionless.

In this scene, provoked people from ear to ear. Sat up suddenly, the giant panda, touch head, with its claws with curious eyes looked at us, as if to say: "what's wrong, what's the matter? What you laughing at?" It this action is to let us, laughing their heads off panda look helpless, and then turn a somersault on the ground, like a ball rolling on the ground. People see the al Jefferson, pandas seemed to understand you mean, with proud steps walked to the fence, a wave of his hand, and walk back, like a leadership inspection, we first one leng, then burst into laughter.

Although the giant panda is very greedy, but I take it that greedy as cute; Although the panda is very clumsy, but I take it that clumsy as a sense of humor. It is not like a lion, not as clever as a monkey, but it than lions gentle, more lovely monkeys. This is the giant panda, how lovely!









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