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2023-07-31 02:32:10


记一次春游 (A Spring Outing)

Spring in March, accompanied by the comfortable weather and warm sunshine, our class had a spring outing on Saturday. We went to Renmin Park hold some activities and all of my classmates were so excited that they looked like the birds just coming out from birdcage. We playing games, boating, and fishing there. At the same time, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of spring. Some people in the park also joined us and had fun. We had a happy day and the relationship of classmates were getting closer.

伤心的`一天(A Sad Day)

Last friday evening, I bought a a second-hand bike. This bike looked like my last bike that was stolen last term. But I was so happy that I have a bike again. However, it was so unlucky that the bike was stolen on Sunday in the campus when I was having class. That bike I just had ride three times. It was such a sad thing. I hate the thieves who stole three bikes of mine. It seems that I don’t have the right to own a bike . I was disappointed at buying a bike again.

上周五的晚上,我买了一辆个二手自行车。这辆自行车看起来和我上学期被偷的那辆很像。不过我很高兴我又有一辆自行车了。然而,非常的不幸,星期天早上自行车在在校园里被偷了,那时候我正在上课。那辆我才刚刚骑了三次。这是一件难过的事。我讨厌偷了我三辆自行车的小偷。就像我不值得拥有一辆自行车的样子。 我对再要买一辆自行感到很失望。

一切都会过去 (Everything will be gone)

To die is easy,to live is hard?Then,which is the better?Those who have left this world I think they prefered not to be back again,for there is nothing to attach,its ony a way of being free themselves.Indelible shadows will be formed in those who love them,and never be erased.Too much in this world needs us to learn to suffer with enough power.Life teaches us to face all hardship,to feel pains,to accept each bad knock...after that ,we still sitting quietly,looking up that grey sky.Only say to ourselves,Thats OK,let us wait happiness coming again.Everything will be gone,this is life!Although we hope so much have never come to this world,we are on the way.When we regret bringing kids to this world,but they have become our power to go on living.Believe firmly future will be like what we expect,all nightmares will disappear in mind.

All kind-hearted people must be happy in heaven,because you suffered too much here.




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