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2023-07-31 04:49:02




Integrity, is the flower of civilization, brings us hope; Honesty is the rainbow of virtue, leading us forward; Honesty is the branch of credit that leads us into the wonderful world;

Integrity is lotus root pond lotus flower, has it will be more beautiful; Faith is the waistcoat of the tortoise, without fear; Honesty is the construction work of the highway, only he can quicken your pace;

Nowadays, we are moved by how many honest people, and how much honesty is unforgettable.

In order to compensate for the damage caused by his son's driving, zhang fengbi, the yingkou man, sold his apartment and had a foreign debt of 150,000 yuan. In order to pay his debts, he has a frugal diet. Until he was terminally ill, he said, "I'm going to have to pay back my debt when I'm sick. I'm going to die, and my son and grandson must pay it back." His sincerity moved China, and he showed people the brilliant and brilliant light of good faith.

Integrity, such as desirable snow. Get the snow, our hearts will be quiet and peaceful.

Good faith, like the intoxicating sea breeze. Feel the sea breeze, our heart will become pure and spacious.








"Honest and trustworthy" is my daily compulsory course. No matter when, what occasion, these four words will always accompany me, honest and trustworthy is a student's most basic moral cultivation. It made my life more glorious and brighter.

It was a beautiful sunset, and I went to a stationery shop to buy a text. Because there are more customers, the salesgirl wants to get the goods as soon as possible, so I can take it myself. After I took the book, I walked out of the stationery shop, feeling something wrong: why is this book so thick? When I looked at it carefully, it was two books. "Ah!" I not only shouted happily. I was about to jump to the home run, suddenly heard a little kid beside me say: "aunt how to find a dime more? I want to return to her." It was like a thunderbolt that woke me from the dream world, and I ran back to the stationery store, putting the text back where it was not my own. This is a trivial matter, but if it is not corrected in time, the consequences can be disastrous. To be an honest and trustworthy person is to gain more trust and understanding from others.






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