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2023-08-06 05:41:01



The full name of DOTA is Defense of the Ancient.It is just a map which is based on the game named Warcraft 3.However,it has become one of the most famous game in the whole world.From Asia to Europe and America,there are lots of teams and players who are devoted to play it well.

This game allows 10 people play at same time.It separates 10 people to two opposite groups which are sentinel and scourge。Players in each group should denfend their own main architecture and defeat the other one.Meanwhile,it supply 105 heros for players to choose.Each hero has his own skills and characteristics.Therefore,players should use different hero as a team,even like one person.As you see,it is the game which contains skill,fortunate,teamwork and awareness.So this is why people in each level are fond of it.

My favorite hero is SF,SF’s fullname is Shadowfiled. Shadowfiled also is called Nevermore.The hero need high skills to the smooth operation.He has strong explosive force, But it is easy to be killed by other heros.So when you are playing SF,you need operation carefully, but cannot too lack desire to attack.If you use the SF properly, the game will be a feast for your show.That's why I like SF most.

Enjoying your DotA,and keeping suitable,then you will find the pleasure!But not be addicted to Dota,otherwise your studies will be in trouble.


Hello, everyone! Today, I will introduce Dota to you. From our college stared, Dota has become more and more popular. As a college student, it’s your fault that has nothing about Dota. It’s a game, but for me ,it is not just a game.(It is a very important part of my college life)

What is the Dota?

The full name of DOTA is Defense Of The Ancients.

It is just a map which is based on the game named Warcraft 3.

However, it has become one of the most famous game in the whole world.

This game allows 10 people play at same time. It separates 10 people to two opposite groups which are sentinel(近卫) and scourge(天灾).

Players in each group should defend their own main architecture and defeat the other one. Meanwhile, it supply 108 heroes for players to choose. Each hero has his own skills and characteristics.

As you see, it is the game which contains skill, good fortune, teamwork and awareness. So this is why people in each level are fond of it.

There are some hero.

Prophet --Furion(法里奥)

“The land is never safe. Furion, therefore, never rests. The leader of all Night elves, Furion tirelessly works to protect the sanctity of his


The two heroes are brothers. TB corrupted in scourge for power. So his younger brother joined in sentinel to save him. Eventually ,they will have a fierce battle between them.

There are some pictures.

Enjoying your Dota , and keeping suitable, then you will find the pleasure! Not be addicted to Dota, otherwise your studies will be in trouble!

OK,thank you !




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