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2023-08-07 05:40:05


27th, September of every year is World Tourism Day. Of course, it is to advocate people to travel often. Nowadays, as people’s living standard improve, the number and frequency of people to travel is also increasing. Why? I think it may because of the advantage of travel. First of all, travel can make people relaxed. In today’s competitive society, everyone is under great stress. They may be crazy if they are in that situation in the long term. Going travel, leaving all the troubles behind for a period of time, people will have a good rest and then fight again. Secondly, travel can broaden people’s vision. People can learn more through what they see and hear. This knowledge is good for them. Last but not least, travel can enlarge people’s social circle, because they can make new friends on the way of their trip. In conclusion, travel has so many advantages. It is no wonder that there is a World Tourism Day to encourage everyone to go travel.





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